????TechCrunch's MG Siegler: The New iPad Makes Apple's Tablet Domination Clearer Than Ever. "If you have the original iPad, I say this is a no-brainer. If you have an iPad 2, it's a tougher call since it still seems nearly as fast as the new iPad. But if you choose not to upgrade (or to spend $399 for the 16 GB iPad 2 now), again, treat the new iPad as if it were Medusa when you're in an Apple Store. Do. Not. Look. At. It."
????The Loop's Jim Dalrymple: iPad Third Generation. "I struggled after the event to put the right words together to describe the display and a week later I'm still lost for the proper analogy. The only thing I can think of that comes close is comparing it to the first time you ever saw an HDTV. Remember how startling it was to go from one of those giant standard definition projector TVs to an HDTV? That's what this is like."
????SlashGear's Vincent Nguyen: "Steve Jobs would have approved of the new iPad. With its focus on the holistic experience rather than individual boasts around its constituent parts, it's the epitome of the Post-PC world the Apple founder envisaged. No lag or delay; no frustrating cloud settings or arcane minimum software requirements. Simply pick up, swipe, and you're immersed in a joined-up ecosystem. Apple doesn't need another revolution, it has already started one, and the new iPad brings a fresh degree of refinement to a segment in which it is undoubtedly the king."
????The Guardian's Charles Arthur: The screen is the computer. "The iPad 3 puts Apple a mile ahead of anything we've seen from Android tablets. The interface is unchanged. But all sorts of incremental details – especially the screen, but also the camera capability and so the graphics heft, and the mobile broadband capability – have been ratcheted up. It's hard to see anyone catching this product because it offers what people want: access to computing wherever you are. Not every sort of computing, and there are still rough edges (notably the dictation) and incompatibilities (LTE). But for function and form, nothing else gets close."
????The new iPad goes on sale Friday morning at 8 a.m. in the U.S. and nine other countries.