????隨著過去幾年三菱(Mitsubishi)在美國市場的份額日益萎縮,三菱的全電動微車i也沒有獲得多少知名度。三菱公司稱這款電動小車的續航里程為62英里。該車型于去年11月在美發布,發布當月只賣出了4臺。它的價格相比上文中的幾款電動車還算比較合理,只有27,770美元,但是性能也打了不少折扣。《大眾機械》(Popular Mechanics)雜志上的測評顯示,i電動車從靜上加速到時速60英里需要長達15秒——在汽車的世界里,15秒鐘就像下輩子那么漫長。 |
Mitsubishi iEV
????With a shrunken U.S. presence over the past few years, Mitsubishi hasn't found much visibility for the pint-sized all-electric i, which claims a range of 62 miles. Just four were sold in November, its first month on the market. Prices start at a very reasonable $27,770, but performance is less so. Tests at Popular Mechanics reported that 15 seconds -- an eternity in the car world -- are required to reach 60 mph. |