




最新評測報告:iPhone 4S開口說話了
 作者: Philip Elmer-DeWitt    時間: 2011年10月13日    來源: 財富中文網
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第一手用戶對iPhone 4S的評價:真是棒極了!
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????蘋果估計在上周的“讓我們談談iPhone”發布會上送出了不少新款手機的試用品。因為周三一大早,我就看到了十幾份iPhone 4S的一手評測報告。節選如下:

????? 《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)的沃爾特?莫斯博格:iPhone開口說話了。新款iPhone 4S不事張揚。不過,當其與Siri、iOS 5和iCloud等功能融合在一起時,就變成了一款全新的、極具吸引力的智能手機。有些用戶可能并不在意新的硬件設備,舊機型搭載新軟件和云功能就能讓他們心滿意足。但對于購買iPhone 4S的用戶而言,他們應該會感到滿意。

????? 《紐約時報》(New York Times)的戴維?波格:新款iPhone暗藏魔法。用戶可以向iPhone 4S下達語音指令:“在7:35叫醒我”、“把我7:35的鬧鐘改到8點”;還可語音查詢“加里的工作電話是多少?”、“到機場怎么走?”、“附近有什么好的泰國菜館子嗎?”、“記錄一下,這周末去租‘伊斯達’(Ishtar)”、“離情人節還有多少天?”、“來首披頭士的歌吧。”、“亞伯拉罕?林肯是什么時候出生的?”。每個問題,Siri都會思考幾秒鐘,然后在屏幕上顯示出漂亮的文字信息并用平靜的女聲播報答案。(我正在寫一本有關iPhone和iOS 5的書,全面闡述這項技術,。)

????? 科技博客This is my next的約書亞?托普斯凱:iPhone 4S 測評。實際上,iPhone 4S的硬件僅僅只是產品的一半,也許甚至一半都不到。伴隨iPhone 4S到來的還有iOS 5。新的操作系統帶來了許多重要的功能升級,從通知功能到設備連接計算機的方式都有涉及。它還集成了iCloud以及革命性的語音“智能助理”Siri。毫不夸張地說,這是有史以來最重要的iOS升級之一。

????? 科技博客Daring Fireball的約翰?格魯伯:iPhone 4S。Siri的感覺就像懷舊風格的蘋果。有點像牛頓電腦,至少兩者的精神內核是一致的……它徹底超越了原來的iOS系統。iOS是明確和可視的。用戶能夠在iOS上進行的所有操作必須是屏幕上看得見摸得著的東西。它的局限顯而易見。Siri則不同,它給人的感覺是隨心所欲。它的操作具有模糊性,這正是蘋果追求的效果。用戶無法判斷哪些(命令)有效,哪些無效。人們必須自己去摸索。

????? 科技博客TechCrunch的MG?席格勒:iPhone 4S:更快、更能干,并且能和人對話。“S”代表什么?當我向蘋果詢問這個問題時,他們的回復含糊其辭。他們中的一些人說“S”代表“特別的”或是“超級的”,還有一些人認為它的意思是“速度”——這和iPhone3G的接班人iPhone 3GS類似。也有說是“存儲”的意思(iPhone 4S是第一款提供64GB容量和iCloud云存儲的iPhone);也有說“斯普林特”(Sprint)(這是首款運行在美國斯普林特網絡的iPhone。);還有人說這是“語音”或“Siri”。我認為最后兩個說法都能成立。總之,“S”的具體意義取決于使用設備的用戶。我目前唯一可以確定的是:這是有史以來最好的iPhone。

????? 科技博格Wired.com的布萊恩?X?陳表示:極其興奮。Siri是人們見過的最好的免費應用。雙核處理器使應用程序運行更快,界面也更加流暢。攝像頭也有很大提升。通話質量同樣大為改善。不過Siri的功能和理解力還是有待提高。看起來和iPhone 4一模一樣——這有什么關系?兩年合約意味著用戶可能無法獲得最優惠的升級價格。

????? 彭博社(Bloomberg)的里奇?杰羅斯洛夫斯基:iPhone 4S卷土重來,來勢洶洶,席卷全球。開機之前,很難描述新款蘋果iPhone 4S和老款iPhone 4究竟有何差別。經過1周使用后,我發現iPhone 4S大有新意。經過一番改頭換面,蘋果完全可以理直氣壯地把它叫做“iPhone 5”。沒有人會有意見。


????Apple must have handed out a lot of pre-release units at the "Let's Talk iPhone" press event last week. I counted at least a dozen hands-on reviews Wednesday morning. A sampling:

????? The Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg: The iPhone Finds Its Voice. The iPhone 4S is one of Apple's less dramatic updates, but, when combined with the Siri, iOS 5 and iCloud features, it presents an attractive new offering to smartphone users. Some may be content to skip the new hardware and just enjoy the software and cloud features with older models. But those buying the phone will likely be happy with it.

????? The New York Times' David Pogue: New iPhone Conceals Sheer Magic. You can say, "Wake me up at 7:35," or "Change my 7:35 alarm to 8." You can say, "What's Gary's work number?" Or, "How do I get to the airport?" Or, "Any good Thai restaurants around here?" Or, "Make a note to rent 'Ishtar' this weekend." Or, "How many days until Valentine's Day?" Or, "Play some Beatles." Or, "When was Abraham Lincoln born?" In each case, Siri thinks for a few seconds, displays a beautifully formatted response and speaks in a calm female voice... (Full disclosure — I'm writing a book about the iPhone and iOS 5.)

????? This is my next's Joshua Topolsky. iPhone 4S Review. In reality, however, the hardware is only half the story. Maybe not even half. The introduction of the iPhone 4S marks the introduction of iOS 5 as well. The new operating system is loaded with big improvements, from notifications to how your device connects to your computer. Packed with major features like iCloud integration and an innovative, voice-activated "intelligent assistant" named Siri, it's not unfair to consider this one of the most meaningful updates to iOS we've ever seen.

????? Daring Fireball's John Gruber: iPhone 4S. Siri feels like old-school Apple. Newton-esque, at least in spirit... It's also sort of the antithesis of everything prior in iOS. iOS is explicit and visual. Everything you can do in iOS is something you can see and touch on screen. The limits are visible and obvious. Siri, on the other hand, feels limitless. It's fuzzy, and fuzzy on purpose. There's no way to tell what will work and what won't. You must explore.

????? TechCrunch's MG Siegler: The iPhone 4S: Faster, More Capable, And You Can Talk To It. What does the "S" stand for? When I ask Apple this, they're vague in their response. They note that some people say it stands for "Special" or "Super". Others say it's for "Speed" — much like the iPhone 3GS, the successor to the iPhone 3G. Or maybe it's "Storage" (this is the first iPhone with 64 GB option — and with iCloud storage). Or "Sprint" (this is the first iPhone to run on that network in the U.S.) Or perhaps it's for "Speech" or "Siri". Either of these last two would get my vote. The point is, the "S" can stand for any number of things depending on who is using the device. Here's all I know for certain: this is the best iPhone yet.

????? Wired.com's Brian X Chen: WIRED Siri is the best androgynous unpaid intern you'll ever meet. Dual-core guts make for faster apps and a smoother interface. Camera is much-improved. Call quality gets a boost. TIRED Siri is limited in what it can do and understand. Looks the same as the iPhone 4 — what's up with that? A 2-year contract means you may not be eligible for the best upgrade pricing.

????? Bloomberg's Rich Jaroslovsky: iPhone 4S Yaks Back, Shoots Fast, Goes Global. There's no way to tell the difference between Apple's (AAPL) new iPhone 4S and the previous model. Until you turn it on. In a week of using the 4S, I found so many new things under the hood that, with a few cosmetic changes, the company could legitimately have called it "iPhone 5" and no one would have blinked.



@關子臨: 自信也許會壓倒聰明,演技的好壞也許會壓倒腦力的強弱,好領導就是循循善誘的人,不獨裁,而有見地,能讓人心悅誠服。    參加討論>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美國學者勞倫斯彼得在對組織中人員晉升的相關現象研究后得出的一個結論:在各種組織中,由于習慣于對在某個等級上稱職的人員進行晉升提拔,因而雇員總是趨向于晉升到其不稱職的地位。    參加討論>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,應該可以解釋為專注當下的事情,而不去想過去這件事是怎么做的,這件事將來會怎樣。一方面,這種理念可以幫助員工排除雜念,把注意力集中在工作本身,減少壓力,提高創造力。另一方面,這不失為提高員工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS們更看重的吧。    參加討論>>

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