????Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet. ????歸根結底,管理是一種匯合了藝術、科學和手藝的實踐。 ????——亨利?明茨伯格(Henry Mintzberg,管理學者) ????如果你選對了人,給了他們施展的機會,以酬勞作為載體,就幾乎不用管理他們了。 ????If you pick the right people and give them the opportunity to spread their wings, and put compensation as a carrier behind it, you almost don't have to manage them. ????——杰克?韋爾奇(Jack Welch,通用電氣前首席執行官) ????Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don't interfere as long as the policy you've decided upon is being carried out. ????要讓你的周圍都是你能找到的最優秀的人;授予他們權力;只要你制定的政策正在實施,就不要干預。 ????——羅納德?里根(Ronald Reagan,已故美國總統) ????Management by objectives works if you first think through your objectives. Ninety percent of the time you haven't. ????如果你先想透了你的目標,目標管理是可行的。但十有八九你沒有想透。 ????——彼得?德魯克(Peter Drucker,已故管理學大師) ????…reaching the summit had nothing to do with where you arrived and everything to do with how you got there. Likewise with the business: The point was not to focus on making money; focus on doing things right, and the profits would come. ????……登頂的地點并不重要,重要的是你是如何登頂的。做生意也是如此:不能只想著賺錢;只要一心一意地把事情做好,利潤自然會有的。 ????——伊馮?喬伊納德(Yvon Chouinard,美國“綠色”企業家) ????A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue, you may never get over. ????行有疏失,容易補救;言有疏失,不可挽回。 ????——本杰明?富蘭克林(Benjamin Franklin,美國開國元勛) ????When you do something truly revolutionary, most competitors will never copy it –they won’t understand it. ????如果你做的事是真正革命性的,大多數競爭對手就永遠也模仿不了。他們甚至都理解不了。 ????——司各特?庫克(James Cook, 財捷公司創始人) 相關稿件