????With the introduction of new services to the living room -- VCRs, DVRs, DVD and Blu-ray players, game consoles -- device infraction emerged on the coffee table because each new box pack its own remote. And while universal remotes intended to unite the confounding multiple experiences, it was often a less usable version of simple versions from manufacturers.
????And there wasn't much incentive to focus on the problem. "Mid- and low-end TV sales are very sensitive to margins, and so many manufacturers effectively gave up trying to own the entire experience and focused on lowering manufacturing cost and on investing in picture quality," says Jun Lee, a partner at ReD Associates, an innovation and strategy consultancy, "They reduced the price of remote control manufacturing to $1 for the average remote to $3-5 for a 'premium' remote, but they also knew the remote was no longer a primary point of contact between their customers and the TV viewing experience."
????There is a chief difference, however, between cable or TV manufacturers (where remote controls are often an afterthought) and the business of making remote controls. Take Logitech (LOGI), who for 30 years has been making personal peripherals. These devices win design awards year after year. "We have customers come in to our office on a weekly basis, says Kevin Simon, director of Product Research. "People often don't know what they want or what their pain points are." As part of their process, they do a combination of lab studies at their headquarters, ethnographic studies, and traditional surveys. Even the Harmony Link, one of their remotes on the market, effectively crowdsources live behaviors so that each new addition becomes available for Harmony Link users everywhere.
????Things could be turning around. Two non-traditional remotes have recently put better control in front of consumers, effectively raising expectations for gesture and voice. First the Kinect, a Microsoft (MSFT) Xbox remote that supports both voice and gesture input without a device at all. Apple's (AAPL) Siri, which shipped with the iPhone 4S, recognizes voice commands, and helped result in $46.33 billion in revenue by the end of 2011 just a few months after it was introduced. And if history is any evidence, Siri has already changed consumer expectations and behavior irreversibly. "Apple unified service and product on the iPhone. It may try to make a similar move on TV," says Lee.
????Meantime, Samsung introduced its Smart Interaction technology with face recognition, gesture, and voice control, intended to provide choice for how consumers interact with their TV. And while Samsung still supplies the Smart Touch Remote and traditional remote in the box, the way consumers can interact with them clearly tips a hat to what its voice and gestural predecessors have done well.
????But is the advent of voice, gesture, and touch really more control for consumers in a remote? "You don't even have to pick up a remote control," says Chris Harrison, a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), "You're sitting in your living room and snap your fingers. It's like clicking the button for Siri. The computer looks for whatever hand is being held out—that is your remote control. Then you type 'Channel 52' or the top five shows you love watching on your DVR and click play. It's getting away from the paradigm of a remote control. Your whole room is interactive. That's what's really exciting."