




 作者: Shawn Tully    時間: 2012年02月17日    來源: 財富中文網
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????眼下,雅典街道上滿是騷亂鬧事者,宏偉的大樓和星巴克(Starbucks)燃起滾滾濃煙。這一切動蕩掩蓋了一場幾十年來從來沒有任何國家沒有嘗試過的大范圍市場解放運動。在國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)、歐盟(EU)和歐洲央行(European Central Bank)的三方小組(troika)重壓下,希臘新一屆帕帕季莫斯政府正在竭力推動這場改革。希臘必須迅速實施一系列的歷史性改革,才能獲取三方小組的最新撥付的1,700億美元資金,避免3月中旬下一批債券到期時可能引發的災難性違約。










????The searing images from Athens -- the streets choked with rioters, stately buildings and Starbucks' ablaze -- are masking a drive to liberate markets that's unlike anything any nation has attempted to do in decades. The platform is being pushed hard by the new Papademos administration, under intense pressure from the "troika," the IMF, EU and European Central Bank. Greece will need to rapidly enact the historic list of reforms to obtain the latest grant of $170 billion from the troika, and avoid a disastrous default when its next wave of bonds come due in mid-March.

????These reforms aren't just necessary to prevent bankruptcy. They're absolutely essential if Greece is to once again grow and prosper, conditions that are impossible with its current inflated level of wages and highly restricted, cartelized, uncompetitive markets.

????Greece's principal problem is that it's been depending for years on selling more and more home-grown goods and services that don't face international competition -- houses, haircuts, insurance policies -- to its own people. That model appeared to work when Greeks experienced a consumer credit boom from 2001 to 2008. But the explosion in domestic demand meant that wages soared, making Greece's exports too pricey on international markets. At the same time, its domestically produced appliances and electronics couldn't compete with cheaper imports from Germany or the Netherlands. Greece also did nothing to overhaul the monopolistic practices in tourism and trucking that further curbed exports.

????As a member of the eurozone, Greece can't devalue its currency to restore its competitiveness and boost exports. To grow again, Greece needs to both lower wages dramatically and enhance productivity by de-regulating markets at a wrenching pace.

????It's a grinding, politically treacherous task. Still, the number and scope of reforms that Greece has either passed, or promises to pass, in the last few months is indeed impressive.

????Let's examine five new measures that would totally transform the Greek economy.

The cruise industry

????Its island jewels and wonders from antiquity make tourism Greece's number one industry, accounting for 15% of GDP. Greece should be one of the world's foremost destinations for cruise ships. But highly restrictive laws have long discouraged foreign tour operators such as Carnival and Princess from visiting Greece.

????For decades, the law required that all foreign operators needed to hire a high percentage of Greek sailors on their crews in order to start or end a trip at a Greek port. It's remarkable that the EU didn't attack this highly anti-competitive provision, since it also applied to French, Spanish and all other players in the European Community. As a result, the world's cruise lines used Turkey or Israel as home ports. Tourists flew to Istanbul or Haifa instead of Athens, and rewarded their hotels and vendors.

????In 2010, under orders from the troika, the Greek government enacted a new law that promised reform, but failed to deliver in practice. The measure finally lifted the requirement for hiring Greek sailors for EU carriers, but imposed a stiff tax on U.S., Canadian and all other non-EU companies to benefit the sailors' retirement fund. It also required cruise lines to sign a three-year contract guaranteeing visits to Greek ports.



@關子臨: 自信也許會壓倒聰明,演技的好壞也許會壓倒腦力的強弱,好領導就是循循善誘的人,不獨裁,而有見地,能讓人心悅誠服。    參加討論>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美國學者勞倫斯彼得在對組織中人員晉升的相關現象研究后得出的一個結論:在各種組織中,由于習慣于對在某個等級上稱職的人員進行晉升提拔,因而雇員總是趨向于晉升到其不稱職的地位。    參加討論>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,應該可以解釋為專注當下的事情,而不去想過去這件事是怎么做的,這件事將來會怎樣。一方面,這種理念可以幫助員工排除雜念,把注意力集中在工作本身,減少壓力,提高創造力。另一方面,這不失為提高員工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS們更看重的吧。    參加討論>>

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