




 作者: Bill Gurley    時間: 2011年09月20日    來源: 財富中文網
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????我一貫堅信首次公開募股(IPO)能夠在一家公司的成長中扮演關鍵角色。此外,我曾指出,我們的硅谷生態系統中有許多公司過于擔心公開上市的風險和負面后果,以至于產生了一種不健康的焦慮感。最后,我多次強調,對偉大的公司來說,上市窗口總是敞開的——這一點我至今仍深信不疑。我的苦口婆心顯然沒什么用——最近出現了一種令我頗為驚訝的趨勢:許多公司提交申請后又選擇延期上市。如果已經決定提交S-1上市登記表,那就必須做好堅持到底的準備,否則貴公司將長期處于財務上的兩難境地,仿佛在冥河斯堤克斯(River Styx)上進退不得,由此可能造成嚴重后果。




????I am a big believer that the IPO can play a key role in the development of a company's life. Moreover, I have argued that many in our ecosystem have an unhealthy anxiety regarding the dangers and consequences of being public. Lastly, I have argued that the IPO window is wide open for great companies – something I still believe today. All of that said, I have been quite surprised by the recent trend in companies that file and then chose to delay. If you are going to file the S-1, it is imperative that you are prepared to follow through. Standing too long in the middle of the financial equivalent of the River Styx can have severe consequences.

????Why is this a bad thing? The longer a company remains on file without pricing, the more questions arise about "why" the company may be struggling to move forward. Did they miss their numbers already? Are they having cold-feet? Are they not ready? Do investors not like the company? Have the bankers lost their belief in the company?

????Employees may begin to wonder the same thing. As you are in a quiet period, it may be difficult for you to respond to concerns through the press. If you then take the added step and "pull" your IPO, you now risk being considered a "broken" deal and potentially a "broken" company. Potential acquirers will certainly see it that way. These problems can be especially acute in Silicon Valley, where competition for talent is intense. Lastly, to file and not price is to give up all the benefits of being private with none of the gains of being public. You have been exposed, but you have nothing to show for it.

????There are many things that can cause delays in filed IPOs. The most common factor is unexpected questions from the SEC that cause iteration and re-filing. This is especially true of the SEC questions that require the auditors to revisit their original assumptions. Shaky investor sentiment as a result of a weak broader stock market can cause both investors and bankers to have "cold feet." There may also be concerns with valuation and dilution. If your company looks like it is going to price at a 30% discount to what your bankers conveyed on filing date, you may not want to suffer unexpected dilution. Lastly, there may simply not be enough demand for your IPO – which is an amazingly tough position for your company.

????上表所示為最近上市的一些公司,從提交申請到確定發行價之間的期限,以及社交網絡游戲Zynga公司、團購網站Groupon和旅游搜索引擎Kayak公司提交上市申請后迄今已經流逝的時間。表中四家已上市公司“申請-定價期間”平均略超100天。標桿資本(Benchmark Capital)有幸投資了其中兩家(房地產搜索服務Zillow公司和云服務供應商ServiceSource),它們在“申請-定價期間”這項指標上的表現最好,分別是93和94天。Groupon提交上市申請后經過的日子已經超過了這一水平,不過最近有新聞稱,他們可能已“回到”正常軌道”,預計將在十月底確定發行價(那樣的話相當于提交申請后150天)。根據雅虎財經(Yahoo Finance),Zynga上市被列為“已推遲”,目前已是提交申請后75天。而在旅游搜索領域領先的Kayak公司已經提交上市申請301天了——對任何公司來說這都是危險的信號。


????1. 做好準備之前不要輕率啟動上市程序。確信自己的企業業績良好當然是題中應有之義,除此之外還包括:安排審計人員再三查證數據,整頓好財務管控,請個可靠的首席財務官和總法務顧問,確保董事會鼎力支持。總的來說,要為即將發生的一切事件做好準備。最好和其他按時走完上市程序的公司的掌門人多交流,弄清楚他們都做了哪些準備工作。

????2. 選一家投行,它得明白你不愿意將“申請-定價期間”拖得太長。許多投行會說,這一指標無關緊要。可是,如果你的公司陷入“已提交上市申請卻未定價”的窘境,吃虧的還是你自己。投行只是服務提供商,應該由你來告訴他們什么是重要的;而不是相反,你唯他們馬首是瞻。優秀的投行應當對證券交易委員會的行事程序了如指掌,甚至有前委員會人士為其效力。這種人脈確有影響,選擇投行的時候,應該能自己判斷此類因素是否重要。此外,在提交上市申請之前就應該弄清聘請的投行是否信任你本人及你的公司。如果提交了S-1申請“之后”,你還得在投行面前為公司辯護,則顯然顛倒了先后順序。

????The table on the left shows the number of days from pricing to filing for some recent IPOs, as well as the days on file for Zynga, Groupon, and Kayak. These four companies had an average pricing-filing span of just over 100 days. Two of the IPOs in which Benchmark was lucky enough to be an investor (Zillow and ServiceSource) had particularly good showing on this "pricing-to-filing" metric with 93 and 94 days respectively. Groupon is starting to move outside this ban, but recent news suggests they may be back "on track" with a target date of late October (this would equate to 150 days on file). Zynga's IPO is listed as "delayed" on Yahoo Finance while standing at 75 days. Kayak, a leader in the travel search space, had been on file for 301 days – a precarious position for any company.

????While many of these potential causes of delay appear external and "out of your control," there are in fact many things you can do to minimize the number of days between filing and pricing.

????1. Don't start the process until you are ready. This certainly includes knowing your business is performing well, but also includes having the auditors ready, having your financials in order, having a strong CFO and general counsel, having your BOD ready to go, and generally being prepared for what is about to happen. Talk to other CEOs who have kept the process on time, and find out how they prepared.

????2. Pick a banker who understands that you are sensitive to filing-pricing timing. Some bankers will tell you this metric is not critical. You own the problem if you are stuck in a filed but un-priced company. You should tell the service provider what is important to you, not the other way around. Great investment bankers have a strong understanding of SEC process, SEC rules, and may even have an ex-SEC representative on staff. These things matter, and you should be able to tell whether or not they matter to your banker. Also, find out before you file if your banker believes in you and your business. If you are defending your business to your banker "after" filing the S-1, you had a clear sequencing problem.



@關子臨: 自信也許會壓倒聰明,演技的好壞也許會壓倒腦力的強弱,好領導就是循循善誘的人,不獨裁,而有見地,能讓人心悅誠服。    參加討論>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美國學者勞倫斯彼得在對組織中人員晉升的相關現象研究后得出的一個結論:在各種組織中,由于習慣于對在某個等級上稱職的人員進行晉升提拔,因而雇員總是趨向于晉升到其不稱職的地位。    參加討論>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,應該可以解釋為專注當下的事情,而不去想過去這件事是怎么做的,這件事將來會怎樣。一方面,這種理念可以幫助員工排除雜念,把注意力集中在工作本身,減少壓力,提高創造力。另一方面,這不失為提高員工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS們更看重的吧。    參加討論>>

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