




 作者: Anne Fisher    時間: 2011年08月02日    來源: 財富中文網
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????如果僅此而已的話,大可不必沮喪。人事公司羅伯特哈夫國際公司(Robert Half International)的調查顯示,有些求職者的表現更糟糕,甚至糟糕透頂。


????? “求職者在我的地毯上上躥下跳,告訴我,我肯定很受公司的賞識,不然不可能給我配這么厚的地毯。”

????? “一位求職者從我錢包里拿出一把梳子,用它梳了梳自己的頭發,然后扭頭就走了。”

????? “一位求職者跟我說,如果我不錄用她,她就讓她奶奶詛咒我。”

????? “[我們公司]的一位求職者竟然要跟面試官掰腕子。”

????? “面試官問了一個比較難的問題,結果求職者要求到房間外面去思考思考。”

????? “一位男性求職者竟然讓他妹妹來替他面試。”

????? “招聘經理問求職者有什么問題,他竟然用一個‘冷笑話’來回答。”

????? “有一位求職者從頭到尾用唱歌的方式來回答面試官的問題。”

????? “有一位求職者在面試的時候用手銬把自己銬在了桌子上。”

????? “我面試過一位求職者,她在整個面試過程中嘴里都含著一大塊硬糖。”


????? “有一個人申請了客戶服務的職位,但當被問到他最不喜歡這份工作的哪一點時,他的回答是:‘跟人打交道。’”

????? “有個人說我們的福利很棒,他很喜歡,因為他明年要經常請假。”

????? “有一位求職者給了我一張清單,上面竟然是為什么不能錄用他的理由”

????? “求職者說,她實際上更希望能得到我們的主要競爭對手提供的工作機會。”

????? “面試官恭維了求職者所上的大學和他在那里取得的優異成績,但求職者的回答卻是:‘我很高興您注意到了這一點。實際上,我根本沒去那兒上學。’”

????? “招聘經理問求職者為什么離開她當前的工作時,她說:‘因為我老板是個混蛋。所有經理都是混蛋。’”



????(翻譯 劉進龍)

????Okay, so maybe your last job interview wasn't perfect. You might have felt you hesitated too long when asked about your greatest weakness or forgotten to mention an important accomplishment with special relevance to the job opening at hand.

????Well, cheer up. According to surveys conducted by staffing firm Robert Half International, you could have done worse. A lot worse.

????Asked to recall the weirdest, most unforgettable job interview blunders they've seen, human resources executives and hiring managers came up with some doozies, including these:

????? "The candidate bounced up and down on my carpet and told me I must be highly thought of by the company because I was given such thick carpeting."

????? "One applicant took a brush out of my purse, brushed his hair with it, and left."

????? "A job seeker told me that, if I didn't hire her, she would have her grandmother put a curse on me."

????? "One candidate [at our company] challenged the interviewer to arm-wrestle."

????? "After a difficult question, the candidate asked if he could leave the room for a moment to meditate."

????? "One applicant sent his sister to interview in his place."

????? "When asked by the hiring manager if he had any questions, the candidate replied by telling a knock-knock joke."

????? "An applicant sang all of her answers to interview questions."

????? "One candidate handcuffed himself to the desk during the interview."

????? "I interviewed someone who had a jawbreaker in her mouth during the entire conversation."

????Of course, candor is always best, but there's such a thing as volunteering too much information, as these interviewees proved:

????? "An individual applied for a customer service job and, when asked what he might not like about the work, he replied, 'Dealing with people.'"

????? "One individual said we had nice benefits, which was good because he was going to have to take a lot of leave over the next year."

????? "One prospect gave me a list of all the reasons why he shouldn't be hired."

????? "The candidate said she would really prefer a job offer from our main competitor."

????? "After being complimented on his choice of college and the high GPA he earned there, the candidate replied, 'I'm glad that got your attention. I didn't really go there.'"

????? "When asked by the hiring manager why she was leaving her current job, the applicant said, 'My boss is a jerk. All managers are jerks.'"

????That last one raises an important point, says Brett Good, a senior district president for Robert Half who frequently coaches job seekers on how to shine in interviews: "Even a mildly sarcastic quip about a current or former employer can raise a red flag so, when in doubt, take the high road."

????And of course, leave your handcuffs at home.




@關子臨: 自信也許會壓倒聰明,演技的好壞也許會壓倒腦力的強弱,好領導就是循循善誘的人,不獨裁,而有見地,能讓人心悅誠服。    參加討論>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美國學者勞倫斯彼得在對組織中人員晉升的相關現象研究后得出的一個結論:在各種組織中,由于習慣于對在某個等級上稱職的人員進行晉升提拔,因而雇員總是趨向于晉升到其不稱職的地位。    參加討論>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,應該可以解釋為專注當下的事情,而不去想過去這件事是怎么做的,這件事將來會怎樣。一方面,這種理念可以幫助員工排除雜念,把注意力集中在工作本身,減少壓力,提高創造力。另一方面,這不失為提高員工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS們更看重的吧。    參加討論>>

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