




 作者: Alex Taylor III    時間: 2011年06月16日    來源: 財富中文網
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A dying breed



????沒錯,我指的就是那些速度快、馬力足的車型。它們速度驚人,時速往往能達到法定限速的三倍。它們就是電影《上天下地大追擊》(Smokey and the Bandit)和《雙車道柏油路》(Two-Lane Blacktop)里讓你鐘情的汽車——地道的底特律貨。




A dying breed

????They've never had much practical use for anything besides bragging rights, but they were as American as a quarter pounder with cheese. Now they ought to be listed with other endangered species like the Eastern cougar and Kemp's Ridley turtle.

????I'm talking about fast high-horsepower cars. Really fast cars, like in three times the legal speed limit. The kind you loved in Smokey and the Bandit and Two-Lane Blacktop. Traditional Detroit iron.

????The handwriting is on the wall for these V-8-powered monsters. Gas prices are getting scarily high, the climate is getting scarily warm, and the nanny state wants to take all our fun away. Truck owners are already making the switch. Ford is selling more F-150s with sixes than V-8s.

????Any day now, you expect to hear rumblings about bringing back the 55 mile-per-hour speed limit. Signed into law in 1974, the so-called "Double Nickel" was widely reviled and widely ignored before it was finally repealed in 1993. As Homer Simpson observed about the 55 mph limit: "Sure, it'll save a few lives, but millions will be late." It helped make the 1970s perhaps the worst decade ever for cars. Remember those speedometers with the big "55" that maxed out at 85 mph?

????Herewith, America's fastest cars and a few sensible alternatives. R.I.P.

Corvette ZR1





????ZR1是考維特系列的旗艦車型。它搭載了一款能泵出638馬力的超強V8發動機。 2008年英國BBC電視臺的Top Gear欄目曾對這款汽車進行評測,主持人杰里米?克拉克森說道:“它的制造工藝并不出色。我僅僅開了三天,行李箱就鎖不上了。而且鑰匙明明在車里,無鑰匙啟動系統卻拒絕響應。不過我并不在乎,因為沒有任何別的車看起來像它這么好,跑得像它這么快——無論是在直道還是彎道上。”2011款ZR1的價格為110,300美元。


Corvette ZR1

0 to 60: 3.3 seconds

Top speed: 205 mph

????Flagship of the Corvette line, the ZR1 is powered by a supercharged V8 that puts out 638 horsepower. Reviewing it in 2008, Jeremy Clarkson of Britain's Top Gear said "Oh, it's not built very well. After just three days in my care, the boot lock disintegrated, and the keyless go system refused to acknowledge the keys were in the car, but I didn't mind because there is simply no other car that looks this good, goes this fast -- in a straight line and around corners." 2011 price: $110,300.

????For those who like a less-rich confection, there are the Z06 Corvette (198 mph; $74,375); GS (190 mph; $55,045) and Coupe (190 mph; $49,045). GM is engineering an all-new Corvette, but the chances of it building any more 200-mph models are between slim and none.

2005 Ford GT






2005 Ford GT

0 to 60: 3.3 seconds

Top speed: 205 mph

????This is a bit of a cheat because the GT hasn't been in production for five years. It's included because Ford has opted out of the go-fast sweepstakes by limiting its cars to a maximum speed of 155 mph. The production run of 4,038 GTs ended in September, 2006 with buyers paying $149,995 each. The GT is similar in outward appearance to the original GT40, winner of the 24 hours of Le Mans four times in a row in the 1960s. That guarantees it will be cop bait.

 2010 Dodge Viper SRT10






2010 Dodge Viper SRT10

0 to 60: 3.7 seconds

Top speed: 202 mph

????Another dinosaur, the Viper is on hiatus until the 2012 model year. Given its primitive engineering (the original was already a throwback when it was introduced back in 1991) and minimalist creature comforts, it is amazing the Viper has survived this long. Its iconic 510 cubic inch V-10 engine, which produced 600 horsepower, would clearly seem to be a thing of the past. Dodge says the new Viper will have a shorter hood, be accessible to more people, and be more forgiving on the road. Call it Viper Lite. Price of the old snake: $92,885.

Cadillac CTS-V






Cadillac CTS-V

0 to 60: 3.9 seconds

Top speed: 190 mph

????The CTS-V is a rarity in the supercar ranks for two reasons: Cadillac brags about its top speed in TV commercials, and you might actually want to own one. Cadillac's line of V-series high-performance models come in three flavors -- sedan, coupe, and sportwagon -- any one of which you could use to pick the kids up at school or go to the grocery store. All three have the same base price -- $63,600 -- but my favorite for looks and utility is the sportwagon. Just to prove the CTS can go around corners, GM ran one at Germany's famed Nurburgring and set a record for a production sedan on factory tires.

2011 Dodge Challenger SRT8 392


2011道奇挑戰者SRT8 392




2011 Dodge Challenger SRT8 392

0 to 60: 4.7 seconds

Top speed: 182 mph

????The third generation of the muscle car first built in 1970, the 2011 Challenger SRT (for Street and Racing Technology) arrives with a new 392 cubic inch, 470-horsepower version of Chrysler' famous Hemi engine. Look for the 1,492 Inaugural Edition models in one of two exterior color packages: Deep Water Blue or Bright White Clear Coat. At $44,380 and 4,200 pounds, the Challenger costs about the same per pound as a good steak and goes much faster. At 14 mpg city/23 mpg highway, though, it sure won't win any fuel economy prizes.

2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8






2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8

0 to 60: 4.5 seconds

Top speed: 155 mph

????A speedy SUV, if that isn't an oxymoron, the Grand Cherokee is on hiatus until it returns this fall for the 2012 model year with the new Hemi. At 4.8 seconds to 60 miles per hour, Jeep calls it the fastest Grand Cherokee, although our data has it 0.3 seconds slower. The fuel economy improvement is incontestable: Jeep claims the new SRT8 gets 13% better fuel economy than its predecessor. That's setting a low bar: The 2010 model was rated at 12 mpg city/ 16 mpg. highway. With that kind of mileage, Chrysler won't be selling very many of the new ones in Europe, even with Fiat's help. Last year's MSRP was $44,105.

2012 Shelby GT500





????時隔37年后,謝爾比(Shlby)的車標2007又重新出現在了某些特殊配置的福特野馬車型上。今年,GT500進行了引擎升級,搭載了一臺全新的5.4升全鋁發動機,它比之前的鑄鐵發動機輕了102磅,可產生550馬力。可以算是一款給環保主義者的肌肉車了吧。根據美國環保署(EPA)的測評,GT500的城市耗油量為每加侖15英里,高速公路耗油量為每加侖23英里,因此可以免于大排量稅。GT500的單價為48,310美元,它比2012款的野馬Boss 302貴了8,500美元,不過Boss 302從靜止加速到60英里/時的耗時也比GT500長了0.3秒。

2012 Shelby GT500

0 to 60: 4.3 seconds

Top speed: Limited to 155 mph

????After an interval of 37 years, the Shelby nameplate returned to Ford on some specially-equipped Mustangs in 2007. This year, the GT500 gets an engine update with an all-new 5.4 liter aluminum motor that is 102 pounds lighter than the previous cast-iron engine and produces 550 horsepower. Is this a muscle car for environmentalists? With an EPA rating of 15 mpg city, 23 mph highway, the Shelby avoids the gas-guzzler tax. At $48,310, the Shelby is $8,500 more than the 2012 Boss 302 Mustang, which takes three-tenths of a second longer to get to 60 mph.

Lincoln MKS EcoBoost/Ford Taurus SHO


林肯MKS EcoBoost/福特金牛SHO



????它們是家轎類中的兩款構造相近的四門轎車。它們沒有采用燒油的V8引擎,而是采用了雙渦輪增壓的V6發動機,這款發動機也是福特EcoBoost發動機家族的一分子。數據顯示它們的性能恰到好處,燃油經濟性也相當優越。兩款轎車的耗油量都是城市道路每加侖17英里、高速公路每加侖25英里。2011款福特金牛(Taurus)的起價為38,155美元;2011款林肯MKS EcoBoost的起價為41,500美元。


Lincoln MKS EcoBoost/Ford Taurus SHO

0 to 60: 5 seconds/5.2 seconds

Top speed: Limted to 134 mph/131 mph

????In the sensible-shoes category are these two mechanically-similar sedans. Instead of thirsty V-8s, they are both powered by twin-turbo V-6s, part of Ford's Eco Boost family. As the numbers show, they provide perfectly adequate performance and better than adequate fuel economy. Both cars are rated at 17 mpg city/25 mpg highway. The 2011 Taurus starts at $38, 155; the 2011 Lincoln at $41,500.

Tesla Roadster





????這也是本榜上唯一一款電池動力的跑車。理論上講,特斯拉(Tesla)電動超跑代表了未來的趨勢。它具備超跑的性能,但不用一滴汽油。但是,未來的道路上也不全是香檳和玫瑰。據美國環保署的資料顯示,Roadster一次充電可續航244英里,但在現實條件下的駕駛(使用了大燈等配件、深踩油門等)卻讓Roadster的腳程短了一大截。此外不要忘了,Roadster是在一款重量較輕的蓮花愛麗絲(Lotus Elise)跑車的基礎上設計建造的,車身材料是昂貴的碳纖維。每臺汽車單價高達128,500美元。




Tesla Roadster

0 to 60: 3.7seconds

Top speed: 125 mph

????The only battery powered car on the list, the Tesla theoretically represents the future. It offers the performance of a supercar without a drop of gasoline. The future is not all champagne and roses, however. According to the EPA, the Roadster can travel 244 miles on a single charge, but real world motoring (using accessories like headlights; driving with a heavy foot) results in much less range. Remember too that the roadster is based on a lightweight Lotus Elise sports car made of pricey carbon fiber, and an uncomfortable one at that. Price: $128,500.

????But that acceleration! Under four seconds is fast enough for even the most hardened performance junkie, and with an electric car, it gets delivered smoothly and effortlessly. The V-8may be dying but we have something better coming along to replace it.





@關子臨: 自信也許會壓倒聰明,演技的好壞也許會壓倒腦力的強弱,好領導就是循循善誘的人,不獨裁,而有見地,能讓人心悅誠服。    參加討論>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美國學者勞倫斯彼得在對組織中人員晉升的相關現象研究后得出的一個結論:在各種組織中,由于習慣于對在某個等級上稱職的人員進行晉升提拔,因而雇員總是趨向于晉升到其不稱職的地位。    參加討論>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,應該可以解釋為專注當下的事情,而不去想過去這件事是怎么做的,這件事將來會怎樣。一方面,這種理念可以幫助員工排除雜念,把注意力集中在工作本身,減少壓力,提高創造力。另一方面,這不失為提高員工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS們更看重的吧。    參加討論>>

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