




翹首以盼iPhone 5
 作者: Philip Elmer-DeWitt    時間: 2011年04月15日    來源: 財富中文網
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關于iPhone 5的面世時間,可謂眾說紛紜:從今年6月末到2012年年初都有人猜。發布時間有那么重要嗎?答案是肯定的。
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圖片來源:Nowhere Else

????開春時,蘋果迷們往往都在忙著猜測下一代iPhone會推出哪些新特性。上圖是法國站點別無他處(Nowhere Else)制作的信息圖形。該圖對現存的幾種猜想進行了精辟的總結。

????但是今年,有消息說,在將于6月份舉行的蘋果全球開發人員大會(Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference)上,不會推出iPhone5。此消息一出,人們的猜測也整個跟著變了。關注點不再是蘋果到底會推出哪些新特性,而是新iPhone何時會問世。

????在本周二發給客戶的文件中,Susquehanna公司的杰夫?費達卡羅表示,經過核實,“確認”iPhone5的發布將會推遲到今秋;美林公司(Merrill Lynch)的斯科特?克雷格則稱,新iPhone的發布“不太可能”推遲;而Ticonderoga公司的布萊恩?懷特建議投資者們不要對準確的發布日期糾纏不休。懷特表示,即便蘋果公司的銷售額在一個季度內有所損失,也很可能會在接下來的季度里好轉。


????按照上述理解,我們將有關iPhone 5發布的傳聞按其出現時間進行排列,并且一一做了注解。

????2月11日和14日:《彭博商業周刊》(Bloomberg Businessweek )和《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal )分別報道,蘋果將于“今夏”發布兩款新iPhone:1)iPhone 4的后繼產品;2)更為小巧、價格也相對便宜的iPhone。兩篇報道推出的時間恰到好處,就像枚炸彈,擾亂了彼時正于巴塞羅那舉行的世界移動通信大會(Mobile World Congress)。而蘋果并未參加此次大會。可信度:中等。

????3月28日: The Loop的吉姆?道里姆波爾曾是Macworld雜志的新聞編輯,在蘋果公司擁有可靠的消息來源。他撰文表示,蘋果全球開發人員大會的主題演講安排在6月6日進行,屆時該公司不會發布任何硬件產品。自2007年起,所有新iPhone每年都是在該盛會上推出的。可信度:高。


????4月4日:韓國站點ETNews.co.kr稱,據MacRumors消息,蘋果已“確認”將于6月的第四周發布iPhone 5。不過道里姆波爾的線人稱該報導“完全錯誤”。可信度:低。

????4月8日:Ticonderoga公司的布萊恩?懷特從遠東發回報告,對其客戶表示,對于iPhone 5將于今秋發布的說法,他越來越心存疑慮。他表示,盡管手中并無確鑿的證據,但是對蘋果“供應鏈內部運營活動模式”的了解,使他對廣為流傳的iPhone 5發布推遲的說法產生了質疑。他分析說,蘋果很可能將iPhone 5牌“深藏不露”,以避免6月之前iPhone 4的銷量出現下降。可信度:中等。

????4月11日:我們對波士頓的市場研究機構Avian Securities并不熟悉。該公司在一份未簽名的報告中對其客戶表示,iPhone 5將于9月開始投產,這與iPhone 5將推遲到秋天發布的說法相一致,但該公司并未如此表示。相反,它改變話題說,《商業周刊》和《華爾街日報》分別于2月的報道中提到的小型iPhone的技術參數尚未出臺,這意味著“iPhone 5將于2011年末或者更可能是2012年才能正式上市?!?Avian Securities的報告中有幾處將《商業周刊》和《華爾街日報》的報道揉到了一起,并建議說,iPhone 5很可能會推遲到明年發布。蘋果股票會再度遭受重創。可信度:低。

????吉姆?道里姆波爾是這一切的始作俑者。我們問他相信哪個說法?!翱隙ú粫?月上市,所以這個說法肯定錯了?!彼硎荆骸拔艺J為iPhone 5會在今年圣誕假期購物季之前上市?!?/p>



????In early spring the folks who obsess about Apple (AAPL) are usually busy speculating about what features to expect in the next iteration of the iPhone -- a game neatly summarized in an infographic produced by the French site Nowhere Else, from which the image at right was taken.

????But this year, reports that there will be no iPhone 5 announced at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference in June has launched a whole new level of speculation, not about what Apple is building, but when it will arrive.

????In notes issued to clients Tuesday, Susquehanna's Jeff Fidacaro said his checks "confirm" a delay until fall, Merrill Lynch's Scott Craig pronounced the delay "not likely," and Ticonderoga's Brian White advised investors not to get "hung up" on the exact date. Any sales Apple misses in one quarter, White says, are likely to get picked up the next.

????Perhaps. But with a pack of Google (GOOG) Android phones breathing down its neck, Apple can't wait forever.

????With that in mind, we've put together an annotated timeline of the iPhone 5 launch rumors. See below the fold.

????? Feb. 11, 14: Bloomberg Businessweek and the Wall Street Journal separately report that Apple is preparing two new iPhones: 1) a successor to the iPhone 4 and 2) a smaller, cheaper iPhone for release "this summer." The reports are perfectly timed to disrupt the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, which Apple did not attend. Credibility: medium.

????? March 28: The Loop's Jim Dalrymple, a former Macworld news editor with good Apple sources, reports that the company has "closed the door" on any hardware announcements at the June 6 WWDC keynote, which is where new iPhones have been announced every year since 2007. Credibility: high.

????? March 30: Two Wall Street analysts warn clients that summer may come and go without a new iPhone; Apple shares takes a hit. Dalrymple clarifies privately that his sources did not rule out an iPhone announcement in another venue besides WWDC. Credibility: medium.

????? April 4: A Korean website, ETNews.co.kr, claims that Apple has "confirmed" that the iPhone 5 will be released the fourth week of June, according to MacRumors. Dalrymple's sources shoot down the report as "completely false." Credibility: low.

????? April 8: Ticonderoga's Brian White, reporting from the Far East, tells clients he is becoming increasingly suspicious of reports of a fall launch. He doesn't have a smoking gun, but says there is a "pattern of activity in motion within the supply chain" that makes him question the widely reported delay. Apple may be keeping its iPhone 5 cards "extra close to the vest," he suggests, to avoid a fall-off of iPhone 4 sales as June approaches. Credibility: medium.

????? April 11: An unsigned report from Avian Securities, a Boston-based firm we're not familiar with, tells clients that that production for the iPhone 5 will begin in September -- consistent with a fall launch, although Avian doesn't say so. Instead, it changes the subject and reports that specs for the smaller iPhone that the Journal and Businessweek were writing about in February still haven't arrived, which suggests "a very late 2011 or more likely a 2012 event." Several accounts of the Avian note conflate the two reports and suggest that the iPhone 5 might be pushed back to next year. Apple shares take another hit. Credibility: low.

????We asked Jim Dalrymple -- who started this all -- where he would put his money. "It's definitely not coming in June, so that's out," he says. "I think we'll see it before the holiday shopping season."

????That sounds like a good bet.





@關子臨: 自信也許會壓倒聰明,演技的好壞也許會壓倒腦力的強弱,好領導就是循循善誘的人,不獨裁,而有見地,能讓人心悅誠服。    參加討論>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美國學者勞倫斯彼得在對組織中人員晉升的相關現象研究后得出的一個結論:在各種組織中,由于習慣于對在某個等級上稱職的人員進行晉升提拔,因而雇員總是趨向于晉升到其不稱職的地位。    參加討論>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,應該可以解釋為專注當下的事情,而不去想過去這件事是怎么做的,這件事將來會怎樣。一方面,這種理念可以幫助員工排除雜念,把注意力集中在工作本身,減少壓力,提高創造力。另一方面,這不失為提高員工工作效率的好方法??赡芎笳呤歉鞔驜OSS們更看重的吧。    參加討論>>

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