




關于iPhone 5延期發布
 作者: Philip Elmer-DeWitt    時間: 2011年04月02日    來源: 財富中文網
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蘋果今年不發iPhone 5了?這是蘋果不慎走漏消息?還是對沖基金故布疑陣?抑或是從“博客圈的大西北”冒出來的謠言?
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????吉姆?達林普本周一在The Loop網站上發表了一篇報道,稱蘋果公司(Apple)在今年六月的全球開發者大會(Worldwide Developers Conference)上將不會發布任何新硬件。幾位華爾街分析師最終總算明白了這篇報道的重要性。

????正如滿銀資本市場(BMO Capital)的分析師基思?巴克曼和杰富瑞公司(Jefferies & Co)的分析師彼得?米塞克本周三向客戶們所解釋的那樣,這篇報導意味著自從2007年以來,蘋果公司今年夏天將首次不推出一款新iPhone。

????消息一出,華爾街不出所料地出現了一些拋售行為。截止到當天10點30分,蘋果股價下跌了3.05美元(0.9%)。美國知名金融分析師詹森?施瓦茨也在“尋找阿爾法”博客(Seeking Alpha)上發表了一篇“憤怒聲討博客圈”的博文,文章開頭就火藥味十足。




????首先要聲明的是,關于蘋果是否發布、以及何時發布傳說中的iPhone 5,我們沒有任何內幕消息。



????在我們輕易下定論之前,我想我們應該先問問達林普,看看他那篇名為《今夏蘋果全球開發者大會將不會發布新iPhone、iPad或Mac硬件》("No iPhone, iPad or Mac hardware coming at WWDC")的博文里,究竟有多少信息如施瓦茨所說,是達林普根據全球開發者大會邀請函的措辭推測出來的;又有多少信息來自于他在蘋果公司的新聞來源。達林普回復道:


????施瓦茨過去曾經寫過一些很有道理的文章,分析了對沖基金如何能夠通過散布恐慌、不確定性和疑慮等情緒來操縱蘋果的股價(延伸閱讀:《乘上蘋果的火箭》)。最近有關iPhone 5的傳言沸沸揚揚,這次施瓦茨在“尋找阿爾法”博客上發表的檄文的確為這個問題的探討做出了一些有用的貢獻。

????他寫道:“過去幾天里,蘋果的價格動向波瀾不驚,說明有關iPhone 5的傳言并不是來自對沖基金。如果是對沖基金想要進攻蘋果,那么蘋果的股價會下跌20美元。盡管蘋果的表現弱于大盤,不過它仍然頂住了關于iPhone 5的傳言的壓力,并在本周二以升幅收盤。一般來說在三四月份,3到5美元的跌價拋售是很正常的。如果超過這個幅度,就應該引起我們的關注了。地球上每支對沖基金都知道你想趁三月份的低位買入蘋果,所以如果對沖基金想散布虛假謠言的話,他們不會選在這個時候,而最可能在蘋果股價處于高位,并且準備進行技術調整的時候出手。”



????Several Wall Street analysts finally caught on to the significance of Jim Dalrymple's report in The LoopMonday that there would be no new hardware unveiled at Apple's (AAPL) Worldwide Developers Conference in June.

????What this may mean -- as BMO Capital's Keith Bachman and Jefferies & Co.'s Peter Misekexplained to clients Wednesday -- is that for the first time since 2007, summer will come and go without a new iPhone.

????All this triggered some predictable selling on Wall Street -- by 10:30 the stock was down $3.05 (0.9%) -- and a furious note on Seeking Alpha by Jason Schwarz that began with a bang:

????"Today we have a perfect example of why Steve Jobs hates bloggers."

????He goes on to ridicule the "latest rumor" out of the "wild west of a blogosphere" and to characterize Dalrymple and MG Siegler, who posted a similar report on TechCrunch, as "no-name bloggers looking to make a name for themselves."

????Well now. Where to begin?

????Let's stipulate at the outset that we don't have any inside information about when or even if Apple intends to release the much-rumored iPhone 5.

????But we've been following Siegler and Dalrymple long enough to recognize that Schwarz doesn't know a good blogger from a bad one.

????Siegler has proved over the years to have excellent Apple sources and Dalrymple, who was the news director at Macworld for nearly a decade, may have even better.

????But before we went too far out on a limb, we thought we'd ask Jim how much of his "No iPhone, iPad or Mac hardware coming at WWDC" post was, as Schwarz suggests, speculation based on the wording of the WWDC invitation, and how much came from his Apple sources. His reply:

????"This isn't speculation on my part at all. I have very good sources that have confirmed my Monday post to be true."

????Schwarz, who has written some sensible things in the past about how hedge funds can manipulate Apple's share price by spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt (see Riding the AAPL slingshot), does make a useful contribution to the discussion in his Seeking Alpha piece.

????"Apple's calm price action over the last few days," he writes, "would indicate that these iPhone 5 rumors did not originate among the hedge funds. If the hedge funds wanted to blast Apple, the stock would be down $20. Although Apple has underperformed the broad market, it was able to withstand the pressure of the iPhone 5 rumor to finish Tuesday in positive territory. $3 to $5 selloffs are typical during this March/April run; anything more than that would have us concerned. Every hedge fund on earth knows that you want to own Apple off the March low; if those guys wanted to spread a false rumor, they would most likely do it when Apple is at a high and ready for a technical correction."

????Good to know.





@關子臨: 自信也許會壓倒聰明,演技的好壞也許會壓倒腦力的強弱,好領導就是循循善誘的人,不獨裁,而有見地,能讓人心悅誠服。    參加討論>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美國學者勞倫斯彼得在對組織中人員晉升的相關現象研究后得出的一個結論:在各種組織中,由于習慣于對在某個等級上稱職的人員進行晉升提拔,因而雇員總是趨向于晉升到其不稱職的地位。    參加討論>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,應該可以解釋為專注當下的事情,而不去想過去這件事是怎么做的,這件事將來會怎樣。一方面,這種理念可以幫助員工排除雜念,把注意力集中在工作本身,減少壓力,提高創造力。另一方面,這不失為提高員工工作效率的好方法。可能后者是各大BOSS們更看重的吧。    參加討論>>

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