




iPad 2首發上哪兒買
 作者: Philip Elmer-DeWitt    時間: 2011年03月11日    來源: 財富中文網
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如果你已經迫不及待地想要入手iPad 2,本文可作為你的購買指南。
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????你也許已經聽說了,蘋果(Apple)將于美國當地時間11日下午5點開始發售新一代iPad 2。

????第一代iPad僅在蘋果零售店和某些百思買門店首發,但iPad 2不一樣,買家現在有10000多種途徑可供選擇,不過,每種選擇都有利也有弊。同樣,大家也有更多的型號可供挑選:2種顏色(黑色和白色);3種存儲容量(16GB、32GB和64GB);2種無線網絡配置(Wi-Fi版和Wi-Fi+3G版);2家無線運營商[威瑞森(Verizon)和美國電話電報公司(AT&T)],總共有18種不同型號的iPad 2可供選擇。(而且還有多種顏色的智能套。)

????對你而言最佳的購買途徑取決于你的住所,以及你對iPad 2有多少特殊要求。


?????離你最近的蘋果商店:蘋果在美國擁有236家零售店。如果你的住所附近有家零售店,特別是旗艦店的話,去店里購買iPad 2可能是你最好的選擇,因為這樣你才最有希望買到自己中意的型號。當貨源短缺時,蘋果會給予自家零售店最高優先級,因為零售店的利潤都是蘋果自己的,而不用分給中間商。蘋果零售店的隊伍通常很長,不過店員們都更友好、效率更高而且更了解情況。首發日蜂擁而至的人群,這樣的場景蘋果見得多了,它知道如何迅速而周到地安撫好大家。不過有兩點需要附加說明:第一,位于郊區的蘋果零售店在該公司地位較低,其商品供應量也稍遜一籌;第二,如果你住在得州奧斯丁附近,要當心本周末涌去參加South By Southwest音樂節的數千蘋果粉絲。

?????蘋果的零售伙伴:百思買(BestBuy)、塔吉特(Target)、沃爾瑪(Wal-Mart)和山姆俱樂部(Sam's Club)都宣布,將在本周五開賣iPad 2,具體時間可能為下午5點。這些零售店的優點在于數量眾多,你開車能到的可能有好幾家店。缺點是首發日它們通常只能從蘋果那里象征性的獲得些供貨,有時只有區區十來部,很少能超過幾十部。百思買的廣告宣稱,其商店將備有每種型號的iPad 2,這可能意味著它們僅有18部iPad 2。所以最好在去之前打個電話,問問那邊你想要的型號貨源是否充足。

?????威瑞森和美國電話電報公司:無線運營商們同樣擁有好幾千家遍布全美的門店。不過可供挑選的iPad 2型號將相對較少。它們不會提供Wi-Fi版iPad 2,也不會提供可在競爭對手網絡使用的iPad 2。科技博客Mashable的克里斯蒂娜?沃倫為大家提供了一條有用的建議:大型蘋果零售店附近的運營商門店可能沒那么擁擠。



????As you may have heard, Apple's (AAPL) new and improved iPad 2 goes on sale in the U.S. Friday at 5 p.m. local time.

????Unlike the first model, which was initially available only through Apple's retail stores and selected Best Buy outlets, buyers this year have choices -- more than 10,000 of them, each with their pros and cons. They will also have more models to contend with. Between 2 colors (black and white), 3 memory sizes (16GB, 32GB and 64GB), 2 wireless configurations (Wi-Fi only or Wi-Fi+3G) and 2 wireless carriers (Verizon and AT&T), there are 18 different iPad 2s to choose from. (Let's not even get started with the multi-colored Smart Covers.)

????Which option is best for you depends on where you live and how particular you are about the iPad you want.

????Here are your choices:

?????Your nearest Apple Store. Apple has 236 retail outlets in the U.S., and if you live near one -- particularly one of its flagship stores -- that's probably your best bet for getting the exact model you're looking for. When supplies are short, Apple gives first preference to its own outlets, where it doesn't have to share profits with a middleman. The lines are usually longer at the Apple stores, but the staff is friendlier, more efficient and better informed. Apple has been seen a lot of big first-day crowds come and go and it knows how to handle them briskly and thoughtfully. Two caveats: Apple Stores in suburban malls are lower on the corporate food chain and don't have the same deep supplies. And if you live near Austin, Texas, watch out for the thousands of Apple zealots attending the South By Southwest conference this weekend.

?????Apple's retail partners. BestBuy (BBY), Target (TGT), Wal-Mart (WMT) and Sam's Club have all announced that they will also be selling iPad 2s on Friday, presumably also starting at 5 p.m. The advantage of these retail outlets is that there are thousands of them and probably several within driving distance. The disadvantage is that they usually only get a token first-day supply from Apple -- sometimes as few as 10 units and rarely more than a few dozen. Best-Buy's ads claims that their stores will have all every configuration in stock, which could mean as few as 18 iPads. It's probably worth calling ahead to make sure they have sufficient quantities of the model you want.

?????AT&T and Verizon. The wireless carriers also have thousands of stores spread out across the country. Their selection will be more limited, however. They won't be carrying the Wi-Fi-only models or units compatible with their competitor's network. Mashable's Christina Warren helpfully suggests that outlets located near a big Apple Store are likely to be less crowded.

?????Apple.com. Apple's online store will begin taking orders Friday at 12:01 PST (3:01 a.m. EST) and is offering free shipping. Deliveries won't happen before Monday, but at least you'll be certain to get the model you want. For a real bargain, check out the special clearance section, where the company is selling last year's models for $100 off.



@關子臨: 自信也許會壓倒聰明,演技的好壞也許會壓倒腦力的強弱,好領導就是循循善誘的人,不獨裁,而有見地,能讓人心悅誠服。    參加討論>>
@DuoDuopa:彼得原理,是美國學者勞倫斯彼得在對組織中人員晉升的相關現象研究后得出的一個結論:在各種組織中,由于習慣于對在某個等級上稱職的人員進行晉升提拔,因而雇員總是趨向于晉升到其不稱職的地位。    參加討論>>
@Bruce的森林:正念,應該可以解釋為專注當下的事情,而不去想過去這件事是怎么做的,這件事將來會怎樣。一方面,這種理念可以幫助員工排除雜念,把注意力集中在工作本身,減少壓力,提高創造力。另一方面,這不失為提高員工工作效率的好方法??赡芎笳呤歉鞔驜OSS們更看重的吧。    參加討論>>

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