
  • Bloom Box:換湯不換藥還是真正的救世主?

    Paul Keegan 2010-02-25 10:39 發現相似文章

    要想獲得成功,Bloom Energy公司必須回答以下三個關鍵問題。作者:Paul KeeganBloom Energy終于不再躲躲藏藏,上周五,該公司接受了Fortune.com網站的采訪,隨后又在哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)《60分鐘》(“60 Minutes”)節目中露面,這一切讓人感覺到我們都...

  • Bloom Box: Segway or savior?

    Paul Keegan 2010-02-25 10:34 發現相似文章

    Three critical questions Bloom Energy must answer to succeed.By Paul KeeganNow that Bloom Energy has come out of hiding on Fortune.com last Friday and...

  • Bloom box首度亮相,欲為上市鋪路

    Paul Keegan 2010-03-01 07:08 發現相似文章

    人們期待已久的Bloom box發布會可能另有目的:激起投資者對公開發行的興趣。作者:Paul KeeganBloom的產品發布會大有看頭。阿諾?施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)與科林?鮑威爾(Colin Powell)發表講話;來自的谷歌(Google)、eBay、沃爾瑪(W...

  • Bloom box debut: More IPO than CO2

    Paul Keegan 2010-03-01 07:05 發現相似文章

    The long-awaited unveiling may have another goal in mind: to fuel investors' appetite for a public offering.By Paul KeeganIt was an awesome spectacle ...

  • Is K.R. Sridhar’s 'magic box' ready for prime time?

    Paul Keegan 2010-02-23 07:17 發現相似文章

    The Bloom Energy CEO is finally unveiling his entry in the fuel-cell arena after years of playing it close to the vest.By Paul KeeganK.R. Sridhar look...

  • 斯里達爾的“魔盒”是否將大放異彩?

    Paul Keegan 2010-02-23 07:20 發現相似文章

    守口如瓶多年之后,Bloom Energy公司首席執行官斯里達爾終于揭開了燃料電池的神秘面紗。作者:Paul Keegan斯里達爾看起來有些緊張。他是被大肆炒作的燃料電池新創企業Bloom Energy公司的首席執行官,此刻,他正坐在會議室里,為“Bloom Box”首次公開展示做準備。斯里達爾現年...

  • The Fed's stuck in the penalty box

    Colin Barr 2010-03-04 05:46 發現相似文章

    By Colin BarrThe Federal Reserve has enough problems without having to play shorthanded.The Fed's vice chairman, Donald Kohn, said Monday he'll retire...

  • Malls think outside the (big) box

    財富中文網 2009-09-11 05:33 發現相似文章

    In a dismal retail climate, developers are luring unconventional tenants.By Beth KowittA freeze in consumer spending, abysmal same-store sales, and a ...

  • 油價高企,沙特不是救世主

    Cyrus Sanati 2012-03-26 10:52 發現相似文章


  • 油價高企,沙特不是救世主

    Cyrus Sanati 2012-03-26 10:52 發現相似文章


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