
  • 對杰夫們的深思

    Richard Siklos 2008-05-27 10:27

    時代華納與NBC環球的合并為何呈現出誘人的前景作者:Richard Siklos回溯到1995年7月,華特?迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Company)宣布收購ABC/Capital Cities,穩穩的成為世界上最大的媒體公司。僅僅數周后,時代華納公司(Time Warner)宣布并購特納...

  • 對話杰夫·根內特

    王波非 (Phil Wahba) 2022-01-19 05:00

    校園里的大零售商:1983年,現年60歲的杰夫·根內特在母校斯坦福大學(Stanford University)附近的梅西百貨商店開啟了他的職業生涯。圖片來源:GRACE RIVERA為篇幅和簡明起見,以下問答做了摘編。百貨公司的未來《財富》:梅西百貨在2021年強勢反彈,預計將迎來一個盛大的假日購...

  • 給杰夫·伊梅爾特評分

    Geoff Colvin 2011-06-01 07:21

    商業世界在 1 月 21 日從睡夢中醒來,得知白宮在頭天晚上宣布,通用電氣公司(General Electric)首席執行官杰夫·伊梅爾特(Jeffrey Immelt)將擔任就業與競爭力委員會(Council on Jobs and Competitiveness)主席。此時,輿論的焦點迅速集中到...

  • 給杰夫·伊梅爾特評分

    Geoff Colvin 2011-05-14 08:00

    商業世界在 1 月 21 日從睡夢中醒來,得知白宮在頭天晚上宣布,通用電氣公司(General Electric)首席執行官杰夫·伊梅爾特(Jeffrey Immelt)將擔任就業與競爭力委員會(Council on Jobs and Competitiveness)主席。此時,輿論的焦點迅速集中到...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:杰夫·弗勒

    《財富》(中文版) 2015-08-12 01:00

    I'll be treading more carefully in bringing in senior people and look for different qualities. I'll focus less on experience and skill set and be more...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:杰夫·弗勒

    《財富》(中文版) 2012-12-07 01:00

    If you’e disrupting the way businesses do things, you'll be told that's not how it works. But listen to your instincts.——杰夫·弗勒(Jeff Fluhr,美國StubHub.co...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:杰夫·弗勒

    《財富》(中文版) 2012-09-10 01:00

    I enjoy the intellectual challenge of building something. Entrepreneurs look at opportunities and seize them. They don't just talk about them.——杰夫·弗勒(...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:杰夫?弗勒

    《財富》中文版 2012-08-01 01:00

    If you're disrupting the way businesses do things, you'll be told that's not how it works. But listen to your instincts.——杰夫?弗勒(Jeff Fluhr,StubHub.com...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:杰夫·喬丹

    財富中文網 2013-11-12 06:15

    If you're helpful, respectful, and do good work, you kind of accidentally build a network.——杰夫·喬丹(Jeff Jordan,美國安德森-霍洛維茨公司合伙人) ...

  • 財富箴言——今日發聲:杰夫?弗勒

    《財富》(中文版) 2013-05-23 01:00

    When you're leading a company, if you work with people you trust, letting them speak their mind allows you to get good ideas on the table, even if the...


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