精選 2022-04-26 01:304月25日,網傳央行召集商業銀行及多家房地產公司開會,內容涉及房地產并購等問題,參會的主要有世茂集團、中梁控股、恒大集團、佳兆業等12家房企。接近中梁人士證實,消息屬實,確實開會了。陽光城一位人士也確認了這一消息。上述中梁人士回應,會議主要談的是不良資產處置問題。上述陽光城人士則稱,目前AMC機構承...
What the U.S. can learn from Canada at the G20
Erik Heinrich 2010-07-06 12:49Toronto's downtown core has already been locked down at a cost of nearly $1 billion for this weekend's G8 and G20 summits, tightly scripted events tha...
J.P. Morgan: 4G patent war looms
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-12-18 12:07Nokia, Motorola and RIM unlikely to let Nortel's intellectual property go without a fightIn a note to clients issued Tuesday, J.P. Morgan's data netwo...
Silver lining at the N.Y. Auto Show
財富中文網 2009-04-14 01:27The buzz is that the White House wants to adopt a single national fuel economy standard, which would help both automakers and customers.By Alex Taylor...
The U.S. embarrassment at the World Expo
Jennifer Reingold 2010-08-24 01:39How would you portray your own country to the world if you could choose literally anything? If you're Germany, you'd build an amazing biodegradable st...
精選 2022-11-03 07:0011月1日,交易商協會、中國房地產業協會聯合中債增進公司,召集21家民營房企召開座談會,座談會明確中債增進公司將繼續加大對民營房企發債的支持力度。據了解,龍湖、美的、新城、碧桂園、旭輝集團、卓越集團等企業正推進第二輪增信發行項目,金輝、新希望、雅居樂等民營房企發債在積極準備中。中債信用增進投資股份有...
Peter Gumbel 2009-04-03 11:30本次峰會高調結束,世界各大國將向全球經濟投入更多資金,奧巴馬總統對此很滿意。那最大的輸家是誰?在金融市場中馳騁的牛仔們。作者:Peter Gumbel倫敦的G-20峰會怎么樣?奧巴馬總統(President Barack Obama)說:“我們做得還不錯。”印度總理曼莫漢?辛格((Manmohan ...
央行金融時報:多個涉及“停貸”風險樓盤項目復工 各方全力以赴“保交樓”
精選 2022-07-16 10:00近日,房企樓盤開發項目延期交付事件引發關注。從各方回應來看,這一事件的核心在于“保交樓”,推動已經延期交付或者存在延期交付風險的樓盤加快施工進度。《金融時報》記者了解到,近期,在有關部門和房地產企業等的共同努力下,前期媒體報道涉及停工風險的多個樓盤,有的已經正常施工,有的則迎來了復工的消息。...
Nominee for Manhattan U.S. Attorney: A nonpartisan star
財富中文網 2009-05-27 05:24Preetinder Bharara sees unfairness in case law that lets corporations be held responsible for acts of rogue employees.By Roger ParloffWhen President B...
Cyrus Sanati 2011-09-20 11:30過去18個月來,以主權債務危機面目登場的這場經濟瘟疫肆無忌憚地蔓延,重挫歐洲經濟,現在病毒又出現了危險的新突變,銀行業的全面危機就在眼前。市場實際上已經認定希臘將會出現違約,歐元區基礎薄弱的銀行也隨之陷入困境,因為他們的投資者、交易伙伴和客戶紛紛撤回了短期融資。全球五大央行上周四聯手向歐洲銀行提供美...