







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2014年03月27日

Anne Fisher為《財富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應經濟的興衰起落、行業轉換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。



親愛的J.J.:首先是好消息:經過五年左右的艱苦等待,許多非營利機構已經開始從經濟衰退的影響中恢復過來。咨詢公司Nonprofit HR最新的調查發現,約有45%的非營利機構計劃在今年創造新的工作崗位,僅有7%計劃裁員——而在2009年,約有22%的非營利機構裁員。調查顯示,在招聘新高管的非營利機構中,約40%希望從商業領域物色經驗豐富的管理者。

????獵頭公司Salveson Stetson Group的非營利業務負責人約翰?薩爾凡森說:“非營利機構高級職位的傳統候選人往往是某個具體領域專家,例如,他們在運營孤獨癥基金會方面可能有豐富的專門經驗,但現在,這種專業人才可能無法符合要求。政府削減了資助,對私人捐助的爭奪愈加激烈,所以商業技能變得更加重要。非營利機構必須‘更聰明地開展工作’,要像經營性公司那樣思考問題。”


????1. 利益相關者。他說:“最大的不同是你需要考慮的利益相關者的數量。在非營利機構中,利益相關者要遠遠多于公司。所有人都認為,自己的意見同樣重要,必須得到重視。”


????2. 文化。薩爾凡森經常建議求職者們,改變在公司中的觀念,準備好接受“更注重協作的決策過程”。原因之一是,“工作人員的工資往往低于市場水平,因為他們對機構正在從事的事業充滿熱情。甚至有大批志愿者根本是在無償服務。”所以,薩爾凡森認為,與你目前的下屬形成鮮明對比的是,“非營利機構的工作人員不一定要聽從你的指示。”所以,管理者最好多花些工夫,讓所有人支持你和你的計劃。


????3. 董事會。你或許已經注意到,非營利機構的董事會在公司的眼中更像是“激進主義者”。他們會,或者是經常試圖深度參與到機構的運營,經常高談闊論,甚至監視(更不用說事后審查了)你的一舉一動。此外,過去幾年,非營利機構董事會的角色一直在不斷變化,包括更多資金募集的職責,“但這些通常并不是最初跟他們約定的職責。”薩爾凡森表示:“所以,你的工作中非常微妙的一部分,可能是讓這些人體面的退出,尋找愿意從事開發工作的人來代替。”





????Dear Annie: I started my career in finance about 30 years ago at a medical nonprofit in the Midwest, and then moved to the private sector. Now, I'm in senior management at a big company. I've gone about as far as I can go here, and I'm in my late 50s, so I'm thinking about "retirement" (although I don't really want to stop working). The current president of a local charity, who I met on a different nonprofit board, has been talking to me about taking his place when he retires soon, and it's an appealing idea.

????My only reservations are, first, I'm aware that nonprofit board membership is a very different animal from running the organization day to day, and I wonder whether I'm cut out for this. And second, the last time I worked full-time for a nonprofit was so long ago that I'm sure a lot has changed in the meantime. What can you and your readers advise me about making this move as frictionless as possible? -- Just Jack

????Dear J.J.: First, the good news: After a rocky five years or so, many nonprofits are starting to bounce back from the recession. About 45% of them plan to create new jobs this year, according to a new survey by consultants Nonprofit HR, while only 7% plan to cut staff -- down from 22% who laid people off in 2009. Among nonprofits hiring new senior executives, the survey says, about 40% are looking for seasoned managers from the business world.

????"Traditional candidates for nonprofit senior jobs were often subject-matter experts in the field -- people with extensive special-education experience to run an autism foundation, for example -- but they don't necessarily fit the bill anymore," says John Salveson, a principal and head of the nonprofit practice at executive recruiters Salveson Stetson Group. "Governments have cut funding, and competition for private donations has gotten more intense, so business skills matter more now. Nonprofits are having to 'work smarter' and think more like for-profit companies."

????Even so, applying your business know-how to a nonprofit may, as you suspect, prove tricky. Salveson suggests that anyone mulling such a move consider these three factors:

????1. Stakeholders. "The biggest difference is the number of stakeholders you have to consider," he says. "There are more of them in nonprofits than in business, and they all believe their opinions are equally important and must be heard."

????The head of a nonprofit hospital, for example, has to satisfy local government, the federal government, the hospital board, the community, patients, patients' families, doctors, nurses, other employees, and volunteers -- all of whom may have strong and conflicting views on any decision. "Recognizing that they all matter, and then reconciling their various interests, can make running a nonprofit very complicated," Salveson notes. As a nonprofit board member, you've probably already gotten a taste of this, but as president, be ready for the buck to stop with you.

????2. Culture. Salveson often advises candidates to get ready for "a much more collaborative decision-making process" than is generally found in business. One reason is that "staffers are usually paid below-market wages, because they're passionate about what the organization is doing, and you often have large numbers of volunteers who aren't getting paid at all." So, in marked contrast to the people who work for you now, Salveson says, "they really don't have to listen to you." It may well take some extra effort to get everybody behind you and your plans.

????On top of that, "many career nonprofit employees have stereotyped ideas about managers who come in from the business world," Salveson says. "They think you're used to unlimited financial resources, and that you always put profits before people." So you will likely need to win their respect, Salveson says, by "slowing down a little and having conversations where you do most of the listening."

????3. The board. Nonprofit boards of directors, as you may already have noticed, tend toward the type that a corporation would consider "activist." They are, or often try to be, deeply involved, quite vocal, and watching (not to say second-guessing) your every move. Moreover, their role has changed in the past several years to include much more fundraising than in the past, "which is often not at all what they signed on for," Salveson notes. "So a delicate part of your job may be giving those people a graceful exit, and finding replacements who are ready and willing to do development work."

????Before you take on any executive role, but especially the top job, Salveson urges you to get to know the board as well as you can. "They should want to know you, too, and make sure you're roughly on the same page," he says. "Even if you're considering, say, a chief financial officer position, you certainly should meet the head of the board's finance committee -- and, if he or she isn't interested in meeting with you, run away."

????One more thing: Just as you would if you were weighing a job with a for-profit, Salveson says, "Do your due diligence. Study the organization's finances, including how they're funded, and how stable their main sources of funding are. You need to go in with your eyes wide open." Good luck.

????Talkback: Have you made a move between the corporate and nonprofit worlds? What are the biggest differences you've seen? Leave a comment below.







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