????此外,Nobscot的貝斯?卡文說,他們在客戶公司采訪導師時,很多一開始不情愿的導師在指導工作結束后對指導過程中得到的收獲感到驚訝。卡文說:“與學徒工作會讓你從不同的視角來審視業務問題。如果你帶的學徒在公司的另外一個部門工作,那么你在那個部門也就多了一雙眼睛。而這會為你提供信息,有利于你在自身工作中獲得成功。有時候,學徒的觀點也可以幫助你了解自身團隊存在的問題。” ????如果你能自行選擇學徒,那么另一個關系尤為密切的想法就是:卡文的公司于兩年前開展了“年度導師”(Mentor of the Year)評選活動,候選人都由導師的學徒來評選。2012的獲勝者薩曼莎?斯圖沃是聯合科技(United Technologies, UTX)航空系統部的項目經理。斯圖沃說,她從學徒身上學到的東西和學徒從她那學到的東西是對等的,但是“這種關系必須合拍。并不是所有的師徒關系都很合拍。如果不合拍的話,那就去找一個合拍的。”祝好運! ????反饋:如果你是一個導師,你從中得到了哪些經驗?你在指導工作上需要花多少時間?請在下面留言。 |
????Another thought, particularly relevant since you're allowed to choose your own mentees: Carvin's firm two years ago launched a Mentor of the Year contest, wherein the nominees are selected by their proteges. The 2012 winner, Samantha Stovall, is a program manager in United Technologies' (UTX) aerospace systems division. Stovall says she learns as much from her mentees as they learn from her, but "the chemistry has to be right. It just isn't there in all mentorships. If it doesn't click, find someone it does click with." ????Good luck! ????Talkback: If you're a mentor, what do you get out of the experience? How much time do you find it takes? Leave a comment below. |