







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2012年07月16日



????上周四晚些時候,蘋果(Apple)公關部門向包括《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)旗下的科技博客All Things Digital在內的多家新聞媒體發布通告,稱蘋果(應用程序商店)曾出現“暫時性問題”,影響了“一小部分用戶”,這個問題目前已經得到“修正”。

????不過,蘋果公關部門顯然把馬可?阿蒙德忘了。阿蒙德是微博客Tumblr的創始人,并開發了大受歡迎的應用程序Instapaper 。作為一名iOS開發者,他的個人博客、Twitter賬號(@marcoarment)以及“開發與分析”播客(Build and Analyze)都擁有數量龐大的粉絲團。





????“所謂‘一小部分用戶’是站不住腳的:根據我在7月3日統計的數據,僅僅Instapape的問題就影響到了超過2萬名用戶,而且,還有其他120多個應用程序受到波及,其中不乏知名應用,例如‘憤怒的小鳥’(Angry Birds)、GoodReader、雅虎(Yahoo)和《洛杉磯時報》(LA Times)等。”




????Late Thursday, Apple (AAPL) public relations reached out to several news organizations -- including the Wall Street Journal's All Things Digital -- to alert them that what it described as a "temporary issue" that affected "a small number of users" had been "rectified."

????Apple PR apparently neglected to reach out to Marco Arment, a co-founder of Tumblr, the creator of the popular Instapaper app and a iOS developer with an unusually large following through his blog, his Twitter account (@marcoarment) and his Build and Analyzepodcast.

????That may have been a mistake.

????It was Arment who first spotted the problem two days earlier when Instapaper users began complaining that his latest update crashed immediately every time they launched it. Arment e-mailed Apple's App Review team and started "yelling" about it on Twitter. Within two hours a working version of Instapaper appeared on the App Store.

????But he soon realized that the problem was more widespread than just his app. Over the next two days he compiled a list of more than 100 apps whose updates worked perfectly when they were submitted to Apple but were corrupted when they arrived at the App Store. He warned users and developers not to update their apps until the problem was corrected, and he issued an urgent request -- in boldface -- to Cupertino:

????So when Arment saw Apple's press statement on someone else's blog, he couldn't resist posting a correction:

????"It's probably worth nitpicking 'a small number of users': Based on my cumulative stats for July 3, Instapaper's corruption alone probably affected well over 20,000 customers, and there were over 120 other apps affected, including some very big names such as Angry Birds, GoodReader, Yahoo, and the LA Times."

????Apple's "temporary issue" was, in fact, the App Store's worst bug in four years of operation -- a meltdown that Wired dubbed "Appageddon." It was ultimately traced, as Arment correctly anticipated, to an issue with a server that applies Apple's digital rights management protection to apps before they are released.

????Arment was pretty easy on Apple, all things considered. He pointed readers to a MacWorld report that the company might be removing the one-star ratings many apps had unfairly received during the meltdown. "I wouldn't have predicted that," Arment wrote. "If they do, it will go a long way toward repairing their relationship with the affected developers."

????He was not so kind to the more than four dozen tech reporters who piled onto the story, often without giving him credit or -- even worse -- trying to make it sound like it was their scoop. In a series of tweets he calls "Rewrite Bingo," he covers the press coverage. You can read it here.







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