


Tim Smith 2013-03-22


  • 可口可樂 vs.百事可樂1 / 50
  • 福特 vs.通用汽車2 / 50
  • 愛迪生 vs.特斯拉3 / 50
  • AT&T vs.MCI4 / 50
  • 耐克 vs.銳步5 / 50
  • 蓋茨 vs.喬布斯6 / 50
  • 威尼斯 vs.熱那亞7 / 50
  • 惠普 vs.IBM8 / 50
  • 空中客車 vs.波音9 / 50
  • 聯合太平洋 vs.中央太平洋10 / 50
  • 麥當勞 vs.漢堡王11 / 50
  • 雷諾茲煙草vs.菲利普莫里斯12 / 50
  • 赫茲vs.阿維斯13 / 50
  • 寶潔vs.聯合利華14 / 50
  • 網景vs.微軟15 / 50
  • 維薩vs.萬事達16 / 50
  • 法拉利vs.蘭博基尼17 / 50
  • 梅西百貨vs.金貝兒18 / 50
  • 百威vs.米勒19 / 50
  • 阿迪達斯vs.彪馬20 / 50
  • CVS vs.沃爾格林藥房21 / 50
  • UPS vs.聯邦快遞22 / 50
  • 赫斯特vs.普利策23 / 50
  • 拜耳vs.泰諾24 / 50
  • 金霸王vs.勁量兔25 / 50
  • 沃爾瑪vs.塔吉特26 / 50
  • 紐交所vs.納斯達克27 / 50
  • 奧利奧vs. Hydrox28 / 50
  • 孩之寶vs.美泰29 / 50
  • 鄧肯甜甜圈vs.星巴克30 / 50
  • 甲骨文vs. Salesforce31 / 50
  • Fender吉他vs. Gibson32 / 50
  • 佳能vs.尼康33 / 50
  • 美國鋼鐵vs.伯利恒鋼鐵34 / 50
  • 西爾斯vs.彭尼35 / 50
  • 康內留斯·范德比爾特vs.杰?古爾德36 / 50
  • 摩根大通vs.高盛37 / 50
  • 蘇士比vs.佳士得38 / 50
  • 路易斯?梅爾vs.杰克?華納 39 / 50
  • 百視達vs.網飛40 / 50
  • 泛美航空vs.環球航空41 / 50
  • 康卡斯特vs.威瑞森42 / 50
  • 灰狗vs.旅途43 / 50
  • 索尼vs.任天堂44 / 50
  • 雅詩蘭黛vs.歐萊雅45 / 50
  • 谷歌vs.Facebook46 / 50
  • 迪斯尼CEO vs.夢工廠CEO47 / 50
  • 驚奇漫畫vs. DC漫畫48 / 50
  • 寶馬vs.奔馳49 / 50
  • 網飛vs.亞馬遜50 / 50







????The Italian Maritime republics invented many now familiar features of the business world.

????It started with tax breaks. Venice and Genoa sat out the feudal era because they didn't have the land needed to produce surpluses -- Venice is in a lagoon, and Genoa is hemmed in by mountains. But they were in the sweet spot for trade. By lending their navies to rulers fending off invaders, they won special privileges to trade without paying tariffs.

????Around the end of the 12th century, these conditions created an astonishing boom that fueled their feud. To raise the money to assemble ships, crews, and cargo, traders came up with the idea of selling shares in their operations. To spread the risk they invented marine insurance.

????The demand for ships spurred the development, at the Venice Arsenale, of the largest factory complex in Europe before the Industrial Revolution. Builders there mass-produced vessels using standardized parts on an assembly line -- it was said that they could build a galley in a single day. (Dante even gave it a cameo in his Inferno.)

????Eventually, to maintain clear records, there arose a sublime invention: double-entry bookkeeping. Goethe may have been into the schnapps when he (reputedly) said that "double-entry bookkeeping is one of the most beautiful discoveries of the human spirit," but you can see what he was driving at. Without the concepts of credito and debito and the balance sheet, modern capitalism wouldn't be possible.



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