W. W. Grainger
Shelley DuBois 2011-03-11 06:17排名:100 (去年排名:N.A.)是什么使這家公司如此偉大?W. W. Grainger是一家配送中心運營商,通過大量培訓、利潤分紅和福利優勢,建立起成熟而忠誠的員工隊伍。2009年營業收入(百萬美元):6,222網址:www.grainger.com ...
Athletic Acura: 2010 TL SH-AWD
財富中文網 2009-11-03 05:25By Alex Taylor IIIFor as long as I have been writing about cars, Acura, the move-up division of Honda, has been struggling to create an identity for i...
趙永升 2013-01-29 12:09巴黎,在歷史上將近一千年的時間里都穩坐“西方世界最大城市”的寶座。早在1912年到1920年,為解決巴黎城市困局,規劃者在16公里以內的地方,建造了28座衛星城。法國人習慣將“衛星城”稱為“新城”。隨后,其建設隨著歷史的變遷不斷變化。但無疑,這些新城的建設給巴黎了帶來諸多益處:有效地抑制了市中區的人...
The Informant: 'I thought I was bulletproof'
財富中文網 2009-09-29 05:40Former ADM exec and whistleblower Mark Whitacre talks about watching his life on screen in Steven Soderbergh's dark comedy, 'The Informant!'By Alyssa ...
Robert W. Baird
Shelley DuBois 2011-03-08 07:02排名:14 (去年排名:11)是什么使這家公司如此偉大?這是一家投資顧問公司,員工盛贊公司以誠信為本。“我曾在多家公司任職,”一位經理說,“Baird擁有業內最勤奮、最誠實、最講道德的員工。”2009年營業收入(百萬美元):718網址:www.rwbaird.com...
運動型謳歌:2010 TL SH-AWD
Alex Taylor III 2009-11-03 05:24作者:Alex Taylor III作了這么多年車評人,我始終認為,本田(Honda)的高端品牌謳歌(Acura)一直未能建立起自身的品牌認同。問題之一就是品牌定位。與雷克薩斯(Lexus)和英菲尼迪(Infiniti)不同的是,人們從未把謳歌當作本田針對德國豪華車制造商的一次全力出擊,而僅僅把謳歌...
莫拉·法倫 2013-02-21 07:48“如果有人認真傾聽,不做判斷,不問是非,也不吹毛求疵,訴說者會覺得如沐春風。當我訴說而又有人傾聽,我就能另辟蹊徑來重新感悟身邊的世界,如是循環反復。有人聆聽時,看似毫無聯系的事物就能融為一體;用話語打動別人時,看似無法化解的困惑就變得相對清晰流暢,這真是讓人嘆為觀止。”心理學家卡爾?羅杰斯對成功的領...
I want to be acquired by Mark Zuckerberg
Stanley Bing 2010-03-11 06:35I just spent a couple of days in San Francisco, the land of the nine-digit idea.Every town has its prevailing topic of conversation. In Los Angeles, i...
I want my iPad!
Stanly Bing 2010-02-01 07:26By Stanly BingHave you seen it? Boy! This thing is really the super-coolest, make-you-wanna-droolest gizmological objet d’art around! I’m looking at a...
I failed my stress test!
Stanley Bing 2009-04-28 06:25By Stanley BingYou’ll have to excuse me, but I’m very upset. I just got the morning mail, and there, dropped on my desk, was that letter I’ve been exp...