







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2013年09月02日

Anne Fisher為《財富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應經濟的興衰起落、行業轉換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。



????親愛的得州話嘮:這是個棘手的問題,因為企管訓練品牌卡內基訓練(Dale Carnegie Training)的執行副總裁邁克爾?克羅姆說過,偶爾談一點私生活“確實有助于增強團隊凝聚力,人們可以通過這種方式找到共同點。”他還說,他經常在公司里碰到像你同事這種類型的咨詢師。“但是過多地談論自己的私生活很危險。這樣做可能會讓你顯得不專業,要么純粹是心思不在工作上。給同事看嬰兒照片這種事情,點到為止就好了。”



????芭芭拉?帕切特同意這個觀點。帕切特曾為輝瑞(Pfizer)、默克(Merck)、微軟(Microsoft)等大企業的高管擔任通信顧問,她還與丹尼斯?考伊合著了一本新書,名為《商業禮儀要點》(The Essentials of Business Etiquette: How to Greet, Eat, and Tweet Your Way to Success)。“分享一點私生活的確是必需的,”帕切特說。“過度疏遠可能會和過度分享一樣令人生厭。”她指導過的一名經理“在某個星期一的早晨走進辦公室,手上戴著婚戒。但是他從來沒有跟人提過自己結婚的事,”帕切特回憶道,“他的團隊一片嘩然,后來通過冷戰把他排擠走了。”



????Dear Annie:This is kind of a weird question, but how do you tell an office friend that she's damaging her professional image by going on and on about her personal life? I work with someone who is bright, talented, and capable, but other people here -- including our boss -- are starting to roll their eyes (and leave the room, if possible) every time she opens her mouth, because she shares so much about her home life, her kids, what she did over the weekend, etc. Last week she came back from vacation and she hasn't topped talking about her family's road trip, complete with about 900 pictures.

????We work for a manager who says very little about his life outside the office (although he does have the usual framed family photos on his desk and kids' crayon drawings on his walls, but that's about it), so my other colleagues and I follow his lead, the sole exception being this one teammate. I'd like to tell her this oversharing is a habit that could wreck her career here (if it hasn't already), but I don't want to hurt her feelings, since I do have to work beside her every day. What do you suggest? --TMI in Texas

????Dear T.M.I.T.:This is a sticky one, because talking a bit about one's personal life now and then "can be really helpful in building solidarity on a team. It helps people discover things they have in common," notes Michael Crom, an executive vice president at Dale Carnegie Training, who adds that his firm's consultants often run across people like your coworker. "But too much talk about extracurriculars is hazardous. It makes you seem unprofessional, or just not focused on the work. There are only so many baby pictures your colleagues want to see."

????Crom speculates that a rise in TMI at work can probably be traced back to Facebook (FB) and other social media. "There's a level of openness now that just didn't exist five or 10 years ago," he says. "It's partly generational. Young people coming into the workforce are used to putting things out there in public that used to be considered private, and they may not realize that too much of that just isn't appropriate in most businesses."

????At the same time, Crom's company has done extensive research showing that employees are more engaged, and more likely to stick around, if their bosses take some interest in their personal lives and reveal a bit about their own. "People want a closer relationship with coworkers and especially with bosses," he says. "We've found that a warm personal rapport is crucial to retaining top employees."

????Barbara Pachter agrees. A communications consultant who has counseled executives at Pfizer (PFE), Merck (MRK), Microsoft (MSFT), and other big companies, she's also the author (with Denise Cowie) of a new book called The Essentials of Business Etiquette: How to Greet, Eat, and Tweet Your Way to Success. "You do have to share a little," Pachter says. "Being too distant can be just as offputting as sharing too much." One manager she coached "came in on a Monday morning with a wedding ring on. He had never mentioned to anyone that he was getting married," Pachter recalls. "His team was furious. They froze him out."

????So how do you know how much personal chat is enough? Finding that fine line requires sensitivity to the prevailing culture where you work. It sounds as if you and your colleagues, except for Chatty Cathy, have figured this out. If nobody else is going on at length about their kids or trying to show everyone their vacation snapshots, it's obviously wise to refrain.

????Beyond that, Pachter has two rules: First, she says, "If you have strong political beliefs, they're best kept to yourself. Politics can change someone's whole opinion of you, often for the worse -- and, considering it's extraneous to the job you're doing, is it worth it?"?

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