
????周二下午2點22分,有人通過Twitter賬戶@Carl_C_Icahn——據推測應該是企業蓄意收購者/對沖基金經理卡爾?伊坎本人——發布了一條Twitter消息: ????卡爾?伊坎 ????我們目前持有大量蘋果股份。我們相信蘋果公司(Apple)的價值被嚴重低估。今天去與蒂姆?庫克好好談談。更多消息,敬請期待。 ????四分鐘后,又發布了第二條消息: ????卡爾?伊坎 ????今天跟蒂姆庫克好好聊了聊。討論了我提出的現在進行更大規模回購的意見。我們計劃近期就此事進行商談。 ????消息發布之前,蘋果公司的股票為475.77美元,股票表現與伊坎買進時類似。之后,蘋果股票大幅上漲,在不到3分鐘時間內上漲了約9美元。至下午3點35分,上漲至494.66美元。 ????密切關注的投資者會發現,蘋果公司的市值在一個小時內便增加了170億美元。 ????蘋果發言人在向《財富》雜志(Fortune)發表的聲明中確認伊坎曾與公司進行過接觸。 ????“我們非常感謝所有股東的投資和對我們的青睞。蒂姆與伊坎先生今天進行了非常積極的談話。” ????不過蘋果公司并未披露伊坎到底持有多少股份,以及將如何處理這些股份——除了眼睜睜看著因為他的兩條微博消息推動自家股票價格上漲之外。 ????當日蘋果股票上漲了22.21美元(4.75%),收于489.57美元,創下自1月23日以來的新高。(財富中文網) ????譯者:劉進龍/汪皓?? |
????If there were such a thing as a cheap Over-the-Counter calories, this is what they would look like. ????At 2:21 p.m. Tuesday someone using the Twitter account @Carl_C_Icahn -- presumably the corporate raider/hedge fund manager himself -- issued the first of a pair of tweets:
![]() ????That was followed four minutes later by this:
![]() ????Apple's (AAPL) shares, which had been trading at $475.77, did what stocks do when Icahn buys them. They went vertical, gaining nearly $9 in less than 3 minutes. By 3:35 p.m. they had touched $494.66. ????For those keeping track, that's a gain in market value of $17 billion in just over an hour. ????In a statement to Fortune, an Apple spokesman confirmed that Icahn had been in touch. ????"We appreciate the interest and investment of all our shareholders. Tim had a very positive conversation with Mr. Icahn today." ????How many shares Icahn purchased, and what he plans to do with them -- besides watch their price rise just because he tweeted about them -- remains for now a mystery. ????Apple closed at $489.57, their highest price since Jan. 23, having gained $22.21 (4.75%) for the day. |