







專欄 - 向Anne提問


Anne Fisher 2013年07月08日

Anne Fisher為《財富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應經濟的興衰起落、行業轉換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。

2. 目前,新員工面臨更大的壓力。史蒂文斯說:“進行招聘的公司希望聘用的人能立刻帶來顯著的影響,比如增加銷量、削減成本或提高效率等。在經濟繁榮時期,雇主按照慣例會給新員工六個月時間來證明他們自己的能力,但現在這個時間被縮短了一半。”這不見得是壞事,但在接受新的工作邀請之前,一定要確保自己了解公司的預期,同時確認自己是不是能夠達到對方的預期。

3. 最后被聘用,最先被解雇。史蒂文斯說:“新聘用的員工在裁員風暴中可能首當其沖。一方面,你做出成果的時間縮短,另一方面又有大量合格的候選人可供選擇,這意味著雇主通常會比經濟繁榮時期更快做出決定——而且,提供的賠償金也會大打折扣?!碑斝氯伺c新公司的文化契合不夠完美的時候,尤其容易出現這樣的結局。在不穩定的經濟狀況下,無摩擦的團隊合作,以及實現集體目標的要求,變得日益緊迫。她補充道:“不適合的人很快就會被淘汰。”所以,在接受新工作之前,一定確??煽康膷徫黄鹾隙取?/p>

4. 差異并不總是好事。史蒂文斯說:“有些人會因為一件孤立的小事或一次負面的績效評估,或者因為與上司吵架而辭職,后來卻又后悔。”史蒂文斯見過許多跳槽之后后悔的例子。既然在當前的工作中唯一讓你苦惱的是那位難纏的上司,為什么不考慮在公司內部尋找其他機會?




2. New hires are under more pressure now. "Companies hiring people now are expecting them to make a noticeable impact immediately, by increasing sales, cutting costs, or improving productivity," Stevens says. "In a strong economy, employers customarily give new hires about six months in which to prove themselves, but that window has been cut in half." That isn't necessarily a bad thing but, before you accept the new job you've been offered, make sure you understand the company's expectations — and decide whether you can meet them.

3. Last hired, first fired. "Newly hired employees may be the first ones affected by cutbacks," Stevens says. "The shorter time period you have for producing results, and the availability of lots of qualified candidates, means employers often pull the trigger sooner — and offer less generous severance, if any — than in a better economy." That's especially true if your cultural "fit" with the new organization isn't perfect. Frictionless teamwork and the need to achieve collective goals take on increased urgency in a shaky economy, she adds: "Those who don't fit in are out sooner." So before you take the new job offer, make sure the fit is solid.

4. Different isn't always better. "Some people quit their jobs based on one isolated incident, or one negative performance review" — or argument with a boss — "and then regret it," says Stevens, who has seen many cases of job changers' remorse. Since the only thing making you unhappy in your current job seems to be your difficult boss, consider looking around inside the company for some other opportunity.

????Another possibility: Just wait him out. Plenty of research shows that, on average, managers change jobs — either quitting to go elsewhere or getting kicked upstairs — every two years. Your manager's two years are almost up and, particularly since you mention he's "ambitious," he may be out of there before much longer. Many an office farewell party is a thinly veiled celebration of the fact that So-and-So is finally leaving.

????Talkback: If you've considered changing jobs recently, what made you decide to go for it — or not? Leave a comment below.

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