機密十五:無視用戶反饋? ????雖然許多公司都在收集用戶對產品的反饋,但蘋果從不這么干。席勒在聽證席上稱:“我們從不詢問客戶‘你希望下一代產品有什么功能?’這不是用戶的事。我們自己會(替用戶)收集信息。” 機密十六:營銷開支曝光 ????不管你信不信,iPad上市第一年在美國的營銷費用比iPhone還高。2008年,蘋果花費9,750萬美元在美國打廣告,宣傳iPhone。2010年,花在iPad上的這筆費用是1.495億美元。 |
What customer feedback? ????While many companies survey customers for feedback on products, Apple continues to do the opposite. "We never go and ask the customer 'what features do you want in the next product?'" Schiller said on the stand. "It's not the customer's job to know. We accumulate that information ourselves." Marketing expenses revealed ????Believe it or not, the iPad cost more to market in the U.S. during its first year than the iPhone. In 2008, Apple spent $97.5 million on iPhone ads in the U.S., compared with the $149.5 million it spent on the iPad in 2010. |