????目前,中國的3G用戶總數已經達到了1.76億,比上年增長了118%,總體手機用戶數也在增長。分析人士稱,盡管中國經濟可能放緩,iPhone或將成為中國這一巨大市場持續增長的“主要受益者” ????不出所料,唱衰蘋果(Apple)的人之所以徹底誤判了iPhone四月份的銷量是因為他們完全忘記了中國,也就是蘋果僅次于美國的第二大市場。 ????對于那些在上周——以及本周——下調了對iPhone銷量預期的分析師,投資公司Topeka Capital的布萊恩?懷特本周一致客戶的報告或許能讓他們警醒。 ????現在,中國幾大運營商中速度最慢的一家也已公布了6月份的用戶總數,盡管中國經濟增長放緩,但其用戶總數仍然非常巨大。 ????手機用戶總數:10.5億,比五月增長了0.9%,這是中國的手機用戶數量連續第四個月突破10億人。(相比之下,美國截至2011年12月擁有的手機用戶數僅為3.32億。) ????中國3G用戶總數:1.76億,較上年增長118%。有趣的是,中國移動(China Mobile)在中國3G市場上所占份額下降了。中國移動是全球最大的電信運營商,但正如懷特所言,它“是中國幾大運營商中唯一一家沒有與蘋果合作銷售iPhone的運營商,我們認為這一點影響了它(每月])3G用戶的增長?!?/p> ????“我們認為中國的移動互聯網正處于拐點,”懷特寫道。“而蘋果公司將成為主要的受益者?!?/p> ????蘋果將在周二收盤后公布季度iPhone銷量(以及所有其它數據)。我們預計它在“大中華”地區的銷量將成為大頭。 ????譯者:項航 |
????iPhone likely to be "a major beneficiary" of the giant market's continued growth, says analyst ????The skeptics who completely misjudged Apple's iPhone sales in April did so, as predicted, because they forgot about China -- the company's second-largest market after the U.S. ????For those analysts who have reduced their iPhone estimates in the past week -- including a couple new ones today -- the note 's Brian White issued to clients Monday might serve as a wake-up call. ????The last of the major Chinese carriers have now reported their June subscriber totals, and despite weakening economic growth in the country, they are huge. ????Total wireless subscribers: 1.05 billion, up 0.9% from May, and the fourth consecutive month that mobile subscribers in China exceeded 1 billion. (The U.S., by comparison, had 332 million wireless subscribers as of Dec. 2011.) ????Total Chinese 3G subscribers: 176 million, up 118% year over year. Interestingly, China Mobile's (CHL) share of the country's 3G market actually fell. China Mobile is the world's largest telephone company, but as White notes, it "is the only major carrier in China that does not have a relationship with Apple to sell the iPhone and we believe this is showing up in the company's [monthly] 3G subscriber growth." ????"We believe the country's mobile Internet is at an inflection point," White writes, "and Apple (AAPL) will prove to be a major beneficiary." ????Apple will report its quarterly iPhone results (along with everything else) after the markets close on Tuesday. We expect sales into its "greater China" region to be a major factor. |