????我們現在尚不清楚,蘋果將如何處理電視業已經破產的商業模式。除非蘋果打算建造一個全國性的無線網絡,否則蘋果打造的電視仍要受制于人,就像我們現在屈服于本地的壟斷運營商一樣,它們牢牢控制了我們的家庭互聯網接入。除非有線運營商們通通被擠垮,決心接受妥協,否則他們的節目將繼續充斥著大量廣告。 ????就像布拉吉描述的,電視業正在發生根本性的變化,不過還需一段時間,而整個過程將會充滿艱辛。 ????布拉吉寫道:“有線運營商制作的一些內容仍會有人購買(因此依然會有人制作這類內容),不過,收取‘額外費用’、每個有線運營商都打上一大堆廣告的做法行不通了。當然,這種變化已經在發生了,傳統有線電視正在被Netflix、iTunes和所謂超級有線電視商所取代 【例如美國國家廣播環球公司(NBC Universal)、時代華納(Time Warner)】。現在有線電視業務利潤依然豐厚,因此最開始,這種變化意義不大。不過隨著時間推移,情況終將改變。無法獲利的有線電視商將被盈利能力強的同行收購。境況不佳的節目和薪酬過高的從業人員將被掃地出門。數錢數到手抽筋的經理們也會下崗。總體制作成本將會下降。場地、人員、新聞采編等都將重新整合。有線電視業曾經豐厚的利潤會被通通擠出來。” ????譯者:項航 |
????What's not clear is what Apple is going to do about television's broken business models. Unless the company plans to build a nationwide wireless network, Apple's version of television is going to be as dependent as we are today on the local monopolies that have wired our homes for broadband. And until the networks have been brought to their knees and are ready deal, their programming is going to be riddled with ads. ????As Blodget describes it, fundamental changes are underway, but they're going to take time, and they're going to be painful: ????"Some of the content produced by networks will still be consumed (and, therefore, produced)," he writes, "but the idea of getting "affiliate fees" and selling advertising for each of dozens of branded networks seems absurd. This change is already occurring, of course: Traditional networks are being replaced by Netflix, iTunes, and uber-networks like 'NBC Universal' and 'Time Warner.' There is so much money in the network business right now that, initially, this shift won't mean much. Over time, however, it will. Unprofitable networks will be merged with profitable ones. Unprofitable shows and overpaid talent will be cut. Overpaid managers will get fired. Production costs, on aggregate, will drop. Sets, crews, newsgathering, etc. will be consolidated. The fat will get squeezed out of the system." |