奧巴馬上臺后美國對伊朗網絡戰規模擴大(紐約時報) ??? 奧巴馬入主白宮幾個月時開始,他就秘密下令對伊朗核濃縮設施的電腦系統進行越來越復雜的襲擊。這個項目的參與者表示,伊朗是美國第一個持續使用網絡武器的國家,奧巴馬上臺后,美國對伊朗的網絡戰規模顯著擴大。 ? Facebook的“喜歡”功能變身廣告(紐約時報) ??? 許多公司、包括亞馬遜(Amazon)付費給Facebook,希望Facebook用戶在訪問他們的品牌時,如果通過社交插件點擊了“喜歡”按鈕,或是通過其它某種方式訪問了他們的品牌后,網頁可以跳出相關動畫廣告。Facebook用戶在注冊的時候已經同意了篇幅長達4,000多個詞的服務條款,接受廣告也是其中的一條。目前Facebook增加利潤的壓力越來越大,而且它還急著要實現IPO時的承諾,因此Facebook越來越依賴這種方法以提高的廣告收益。Facebook表示它并沒有詳細劃分有多少收入來自此類廣告。不過Facebook近來在股市的表現非常低迷,股價已經相較發行價格暴跌了22個百分點,因此Facebook很可能更迫切地采用這種廣告來賺錢。 微軟IE默認“不追蹤”功能是正確之舉(PC世界) ??? 微軟(Microsoft)首席隱私官布蘭登?林奇在一片博客文章中解釋了公司的這個決定,他承認在線廣告對互聯網公司非常重要,而且他也認為,與用戶關聯性更強、更個性化的網絡體驗才是消費者所接受的價值。不過最后林奇寫道:“我們認為,涉及與消費者的網絡行為有關的信息如何被追蹤、分享和使用的這個問題上,消費者應該有更多的控制權。” 微軟招聘設計師助陣Windows應用(彭博通訊社) ??? 微軟眼下正急著給下一代Windows操作系統設計全套的應用,因此它聯合了一些設計機構,招聘了一批實習生,還派出工程師在世界各地進行巡講,幫助開發者構建Windows應用。 |
Obama order sped up wave of cyberattacks against Iran [THE NEW YORK TIMES] ??? From his first months in office, President Obamasecretly ordered increasingly sophisticated attacks on the computer systems that run Iran's main nuclear enrichment facilities, significantly expanding America's first sustained use of cyberweapons, according to participants in the program. On Facebook, 'Likes' become ads [THE NEW YORK TIMES] ??? Amazon is one of many companies that pay Facebook to generate these automated ads when a user clicks to "like" their brands or references them in some other way. Facebook users agree to participate in the ads halfway through the site's 4,000-word terms of service, which they consent to when they sign up. With heightened pressure to step up profits and live up to the promise of its gigantic public offering, Facebook is increasingly banking on this approach to generate more ad revenue. The company said it does not break down how much revenue comes from such ads. Its early stock market performance — down 22 percent from its offering price — is likely to increase the urgency. Microsoft does the right thing with default 'Do Not Track' [PC WORLD] ??? In a blog post explaining the decision, Microsoft Chief Privacy Officer Brendon Lynch acknowledges that online advertising is important to the Internet economy, and that consumers receive value in the form of a more relevant, personalized Web experience. In the end, though, Lynch states, "We believe that consumers should have more control over how information about their online behavior is tracked, shared and used." Microsoft recruits designers in race for Windows apps [BLOOMBERG] ??? Microsoft Corp. is so eager to have a panoply of applications for the next version of itsWindows operating system that it has lined up design firms, recruited interns and sent engineers on an around-the-world road show to help developers get them built. |