GE aims for a healthy profit
GE's Heathymagination initiative marks a shift in emphasis for a business the company has been in for more than 100 years.By Marc GuntherGE and its ch...
Tweeting for profit
Smart entrepreneurs are now doing deals in 140 characters or less on Twitter.By Jennifer Alsever(Fortune Small Business) -- A year ago Kris Drey could...
Morgan Stanley profit plunges
Morgan Stanley is the latest bank to enter the trading twilight zone.Third-quarter profits fell 67% from a year ago, Morgan Stanley (MS) said Wednesda...
Goldman reports $1.8 billion profit
The big investment firm also sets plans to sell $5 billion in stock, paving the way for it to repay its TARP loans.By Colin BarrGoldman Sachs reported...
Berkshire expects first-quarter profit
Despite a positive report, CEO Warren Buffett tells shareholders the firm's net worth fell 6%, as investment and derivatives losses mounted.By Colin B...
《財富》(中文版)-- 第一次見到段小纓,是在兩年前的《財富》“最具影響力商界女性”晚宴上。時任GE醫療大中華區總裁的她身量嬌小,穿著一身白色套裝,利落的短發、言語不多。當時的宴會上有多位人們引人注目的女性高管,在人群當中她并不顯眼。去年7月,在擔任GE醫療大中華區總裁四年之后,段小纓升任GE大中華...
How United Technologies is beating GE
United Technologies is outperforming General Electric, at least in terms of shareholder returns - and now it's buying its rival's security systems ope...
一代管理大師杰克韋爾奇在前不久逝世,公司管理界的一顆巨星隕落。毫無疑問,韋爾奇是罕見的天才。 卸任時韋爾奇帶著史上最偉大CEO的光環光榮離場。但此后,GE的股價從高峰時接近60美元/股一路下跌20年,最低到達6美元多一股。這更加讓韋爾奇神乎其神,這么大一個企業綜合集團,如此悠久的歷史,一個人離開了...
美國時間9月21日,GE宣布將停止向新建的煤電廠提供火電設備。但其仍將繼續服務于現有的煤電廠客戶,同時向核電廠提供蒸汽發電設備。它目前是全球最大的煤電設備生產商之一。 GE在當天發布的聲明中稱,這一決定將涉及資產出售和工廠關閉,也會對相關業務部門的雇員造成影響。GE發電業務的負責人拉塞爾·斯托克斯...
麥樂年認為他能將3M從一家好公司轉變為一家偉大的公司─而他的武器就是前老板韋爾奇的管理之道作者:杰瑞?尤西姆(Jerry Useem)在 3M 公司(3M Co.),許多故事扮演著重要的角色。每位員工都知道那個一不小心把化學藥劑灑在網球鞋上而發明了 Scotchgard 防油防水劑的 3M 科學家,...