The return of the $773,000 paycheck
財富中文網 2009-07-16 12:41Goldman Sachs, Wall Street's biggest name, is socking away a record bonus pool even as the economy struggles.By Colin BarrThe Goldman Sachs gravy trai...
The return of Steve Jobs?
財富中文網 2009-05-15 12:31By Philip Elmer-DeWittReading between the lines of an Apple (AAPL) press release issued early Wednesday, Piper Jaffray’s Gene Munster believes the com...
How to return your iPad
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-04-09 10:06Buzzmachine's Jeff Jarvis, one of the Web's most prolific scribblers and author of What Would Google Do?, has decided to return his iPad. He says he k...
Get your big paycheck back
Anne Fisher 2010-05-05 09:46Dear Annie: I was laid off about a year and a half ago from a fairly senior (division vice president) position at a media company. Just to make ends m...
Colin Barr 2009-07-16 12:40雖然經濟依然低迷,但華爾街名企高盛正存下創紀錄的獎金總額。作者:Colin Barr現在高盛(Goldman Sachs)又能輕松掙大錢了。這家位于紐約的證券公司于周二公布第二季度利潤為34億美元。去年秋季市場崩潰曾促使政府部門用納稅人資金支持高盛及其競爭對手,現在,高盛顯然正從那場災難中復原。等到...
Volcker whacks Goldman Sachs
Colin Barr 2010-01-25 07:48By Colin BarrA proposed trading crackdown backed by former Federal Reserve chief Paul Volcker overshadowed Goldman Sachs' biggest-ever profit Thursday...
Is a college degree really worth $1 million?
Anne Fisher 2010-09-18 01:15Dear Annie: I bet I'm not the only reader wondering about this, so I hope you can give me some advice. My 17-year-old son, starting his senior year in...
MEGAN LEONHARDT 2023-02-02 03:30美國更多高收入者表示感到生活拮據。圖片來源:HISPANOLISTIC/GETTY IMAGES美國月光族的人數幾乎達到了疫情初期、封控、停業和大眾恐慌期間的最高水平。PYMNTS的最新版《新現實調查:月光族報告》(New Reality Check: The Paycheck-to-Paychec...
Jane Thier 2024-10-31 03:30圖片來源:Lordn - Getty Images如今,物價普遍上漲已不是新鮮事(世界大賽的門票價格更是創下歷史新高)。但根據美國銀行的最新分析,情況可能比你想象的更為嚴峻——即便是那些被認為屬于富裕階層的人也受到了影響。該行在10月份的一份報告中寫道,根據美國客戶的支出數據和賬戶信息,由于基本支出...
Colin Barr 2010-01-25 07:50作者:Colin Barr上周四,前美聯儲(Federal Reserve)主席保羅?沃爾克(Paul Volcker)表示支持打擊銀行交易之提議,該項提議令高盛(Goldman Sachs)史上最高季度利潤黯然失色。位于紐約的高盛公布其第四季度利潤高達近50億美元。由于高盛罕見的降低了雇員薪酬,股...