Keep the job-search blues at bay
財富中文網 2009-06-09 06:14It may be tempting to just give up looking in this tough job market, but that's a mistake. If you're a 'discouraged worker,' here's five ways to get m...
'Avatar' blues: $500 million settlement wipes out the Navis
Jennifer Reingold 2010-02-05 01:52By Jennifer ReingoldThere's been a lot of positive buzz around News Corp. lately, a welcome respite after a year filled with disappointing results at ...
Wall Streeters finally back to earning their keep
Duff McDonald 2010-09-21 12:23A report from the banking industry's sourpuss, Meredith Whitney, suggests that it's going to get tougher to hold a job on Wall Street over the next 18...
財富中文網 2010-03-08 08:00今日單詞:單詞中文釋義英文釋義例句ragamuffin(衣衫襤褸的)流浪兒(名詞,非正式用語)(noun, INFORMAL) A disheveled, shaggily dressed child.EXAMPLE: When he arrived to stay in our city hous...
躲避零售業崩盤策略:Hudson’s Bay將退市
Scott Deveau, Sandrine Rastello, 彭博社 2019-06-14 05:30為了安撫股東,薩克斯第五大道精品百貨店的母公司、加拿大企業Hudson’s Bay Co.從削減成本到剝離資產,將所有方法都試了個遍,但沒有任何辦法能阻止該公司股價急劇下挫。因此,董事長理查德·貝克爾打算拿出約13.1億美元的現金讓這家公司退市。貝克爾同Rhone Capital LLC、WeWor...
楊波 2023-07-13 01:157月12日,Keep在港交所成功上市,以發行價計算市值超過150億港元。不過,開盤后Keep一度破發,這也說明投資者對 “運動科技第一股”的態度存有巨大分歧。從不少資深投資者的視角來看,2022年公司總營收22億元的Keep,從市銷率(PS)的維度偏貴,即使考慮到它的互聯網溢價,目前的價格也并不便宜...
To keep employees loyal, try asking what they want
Anne Fisher 2011-02-01 02:57Aflac CEO Dan Amos' strategy for preventing costly turnover: He surveys his employees -- 70% of whom are women -- often. Then he acts on what they say...
Apple asks FCC to keep iPhone secrets
Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2010-06-23 01:05Patently Apple has turned up a curious letter. It was sent on June 4, three days before Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone 4, to the Federal Communication...
How to keep your carried interest from the taxman
Kimberley Weisul 2010-05-27 02:04Private equity fund managers are about to become much closer to their tax attorneys.As one of a number of measures to help pay for the jobs bill, Cong...
精選 2023-07-12 10:007月12日,Keep在港交所掛牌上市,發行價為28.92港元,集資總額約3億港元,扣除傭金、包銷費用等后集資凈額約1.92億港元,按首日發行價計算,Keep市值超過152億港元。...