Euro crisis hits France, Germany
Colin Barr 2010-06-09 01:38Sovereign debt worries aren't just for the weaker European countries anymore.The latest round of questions about the euro sent debt-default insurance ...
Dollar soars as euro crisis deepens
Colin Barr 2010-11-27 02:39Suddenly the dollar isn't the world's most hated currency.The greenback surged again vs. the euro Tuesday, following another round of stronger-than-ex...
Germany, the economic vanguard of the EU
Katie Benner 2010-05-18 12:14Ever since the Greek crisis came into focus, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been accused of exacerbating it by refusing to commit straightaway to...
The euro won't die, but does it have any future?
Daryl G. Jones 2010-06-04 01:43In 2007, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told a German newsweekly that it was "absolutely conceivable that the euro will replace the do...
The euro's Greek tragedy
Colin Barr 2010-02-21 11:53By Colin BarrThe Greek crisis has thrown another detour into the euro's march to world currency domination.The rise of the European common currency ha...
Contemplating a breakup of the euro zone
Nin-Hai Tseng 2011-01-30 06:49With all the troubles developing around parts of debt-ridden Europe, could it possibly get worse? Some are actually thinking the unthinkable: A breaku...
Cyrus Sanati 2012-06-11 10:01坐在駕駛座上的是德國總理安吉拉?默克爾。歐洲越早認識到德國掌握著大部分(如果不是全部)終結歐元區債務危機的牌,就能越早找到一個持久的解決方案。擁有經濟正增長、低失業率和極低利率的德國并不急于實施經濟較弱的鄰國提議的改革措施,這些措施會對德國的廉價信貸和擴大出口能力構成負面影響。能讓這個歐盟最大成員國...
Geithner gets his euro stress tests
Colin Barr 2010-06-22 01:40Three weeks after the Treasury secretary paid them a visit, European leaders are uniting behind plans to publicly report on the strength of big euro z...
Shawn Tully 2013-01-14 09:23法國總統弗朗西斯·奧朗德由于投資者對法國的主權債務抱有信心,法國素來又是德國在歐元區“北部堅定的同盟軍,你可能會認為法國將一直作為歐元的共同守護人。確實,目前10年期法國國債的利率僅為2%,只比德國國債高一點點。瀏覽一下收支數據,法國沒有像葡萄牙、愛爾蘭、意大利、希臘和西班牙那樣被戲稱為”歐豬五國“...
Cyrus Sanati 2011-12-08 09:14如果到本周歐盟緊急峰會結束時歐元區還不能拿出一個真正可信的方案來解曠日持久的主權債務危機,標準普爾(Standard and Poor's)稱,歐元區所有成員國——包括AAA評級的德國和法國——的評級可能都會被下調一檔,甚至兩檔。周一該消息一傳出,全球齊聲驚呼。隨后,亞歐市場出現大跌。憤怒的政客和專...