財富中文網 2019-07-25 12:22【財富精選】鮑里斯當選英國首相鮑里斯·約翰遜成為了英國保守黨的新領導人,因而也成為了英國首相。這一宣布并不令人意外。看來有必要重讀一遍《大西洋》雜志有關鮑里斯的報道,有關他任倫敦市長和外交大臣時的行事風格,且作為一個早期就惹惱布魯塞爾的人,脫歐事宜如何終局也會有跡可循,盡管有人反復警告無協議脫歐將...
財富中文網 2014-12-02 01:00Entrepreneurs sabotage their success by not fully understanding that the world generally doesn't care about the product they are about to launch.——考爾特...
Daniel Roberts 2012-12-09 08:001970年布魯斯·里斯曼(Bruce Lisman)在華爾街謀得的第一個差事是文檔管理員。“紅色的放在紅色的里面,黃色的放在黃色的里面,藍色的放在藍色的里面,”現年65歲的里斯曼說,“這份工作根本用不著大學教育,但我還是做了一陣。”事實證明這為他今后的工作打下了良好的基礎。里斯曼出生在佛蒙特州伯靈頓...
財富中文網 2017-04-28 03:00Energy is a function of time, and people who are cavalier about time become magnets for disorder.——克里斯·杜沃斯(Chris Douvos,美國Venture Investment Associat...
財富中文網 2017-04-27 03:00It’s not rejection or failure that holds us back, it’s the way we choose to respond.——阿里斯·尼爾森(Alyse Nelson,美國Vital Voices Global Partnership公司CEO及聯合創...
財富中文網 2017-03-31 01:00Even great perks like onsite gyms and free lunches can't make up for a boss who isn't engaged with, or supportive of, his or her people.——凱西·哈里斯(Kath...
財富中文網 2017-03-14 01:00Energy is a function of time, and people who are cavalier about time become magnets for disorder.——克里斯·杜沃斯(Chris Douvos,美國Venture Investment Associat...
《財富》(中文版) 2012-09-29 01:00In the world to come, which seems pretty unpredictable, citizens need to help each other.——布魯斯·里斯曼(Bruce Lisman,美國“為佛蒙特而戰”創始人) ...
財富中文網 2016-05-04 03:00Energy is a function of time, and people who are cavalier about time become magnets for disorder.——克里斯·杜沃斯(Chris Douvos,美國Venture Investment Associat...
財富中文網 2015-08-18 01:00Even great perks like onsite gyms and free lunches can't make up for a boss who isn't engaged with, or supportive of, his or her people.——凱西·哈里斯(Kath...