財富中文網 2014-03-25 01:00Fortune does favor the bold and you’ll never know what you’re capable of if you don’t try.――謝莉爾·桑德伯格 (Sheryl Sandberg ,Facebook首席運營官)...
《財富》(中文版) 2012-01-23 01:00Feel okay to bring who they are to work. It's not like you're parking who you are in the parking lot and pretending to be somebody else at work.——戴維?莉...
財富中文網 2014-11-05 08:00Ho backwards school is. We spend most of our time learning about what happened in the past, but so little time is spent teaching students how to buil...
財富中文網 2016-09-15 03:00We have to have the courage to trust we can determine our value all on our own. There is nothing more powerful than the pure acceptance of knowing wh...
財富中文網 2015-06-19 12:00We have to have the courage to trust we can determine our value all on our own. There is nothing more powerful than the pure acceptance of knowing wh...
財富中文網 2017-05-30 03:00Learning to be comfortable with taking risks, tuning out the naysayers, and trusting your instincts is an important part of your career growth.——莉薩·烏...
財富中文網 2017-04-07 01:00Instead of being a Debbie Downer, you become a thought partner – a far more valuable role.——莉茲·懷斯曼(Liz Wiseman,美國懷斯曼集團總裁) ...
財富中文網 2015-02-05 01:00Instead of being a Debbie Downer, you become a thought partner – a far more valuable role.——莉茲·懷斯曼(Liz Wiseman,美國懷斯曼集團總裁) ...
Phil Wahba,Alyson shontell 2022-06-08 03:30“感覺就像回到了在辦公室的往昔時光……”桑德伯格借著她與扎克伯格最近的一張合影,提前祝扎克伯格“生日快樂”。圖片來源:COURTESY OF META上周末,雪莉·桑德伯格決定離開Meta公司,為自己14年的全球最知名女性高管身份畫上了句號,并表示將重新投身維權事業,而此時此刻,女性生育權正處于岌岌...
《財富》(中文版) 2011-12-26 01:00When you're more valuable, the people around you will do more to make it work.——謝莉爾?桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg,美國Facebook公司首席運營官) ...