Yes, Santa Claus, there IS a Virginia
Stanley Bing 2009-12-23 01:28By Stanley Bing“DEAR BLOGGER: I am very old and live at the North Pole. All of my little friends up here say that there is no Virginia any more. Mrs. ...
Yes, MySpace can be saved
財富中文網 2009-06-19 11:50It's a contrarian view, but if new management takes some risks, the site can be revived.By Jessi HempelThings are grim at MySpace. The number of U.S. ...
Free money? Yes, but only for the biggest.
Nin-Hai Tseng 2010-11-16 01:17Many of America's top companies have taken advantage of record low interest rates, but access to cheap debt is still far from reach for the smaller gu...
A housing rebound? Yes, it's possible.
Nin-Hai Tseng 2010-09-22 02:48Despite continued discouraging data from the real estate sector, a few bullish arguments are beginning to emerge. One MIT economist even believes tha...
Jennifer Steinmann 2015-03-25 09:49德勤副首席執行官兼首席技術官詹妮弗?斯坦曼MPW內部網絡是一個邀請具有影響力的商界女性及時解答職業與領導力問題的在線社區。今天,我們的問題是:千禧一代進入職場前應采納的建議是什么?以下是德勤副首席執行官兼首席技術官詹妮弗?斯坦曼的回答。有時,它是英語中最可怕的字眼之一。但是當機會在你的職業生涯中出現...
Circuit breakers, yes. But how about the market breakers?
Heidi N. Moore 2010-07-03 01:49Imagine this: in a world much like our own, a problem in the markets prompted a Congressional hearing that led to quick action by a major player in th...
廖敏 2016-02-23 10:36近來流連過三個城市的三家書店,讓人恍惚置身于一席流動的盛宴,一場不落幕的狂歡。分別是蘇州的誠品,上海的無印良品書店和成都的方所。作為臺北文化地標,誠品早已超越書店成為一個傳奇,安然等待眾生前往頂禮膜拜。在今天及可見的未來,誠品依然會是廣大大陸中青年赴臺旅行的標配行程。從8年前應邀落戶蘇州,到2015...
Geithner's tinny tax claim
Colin Barr 2010-08-06 01:45That's the problem of the Obama administration's tax stance. The administration's idea, letting the Bush tax cuts expire for the top earners, is a no-...
Keith Ferrazzi,David Wilkie 2018-09-25 05:30Photo by Peter Dazeley—Getty Images致力于削減成本的全球公司,都在想方設法提高公司流程的效率。許多公司都推出了精心設計的系統,希望流程變得簡單,并保持堅定的一致性。但如果客戶打來電話,提出一個不同尋常的要求,恰好和公司的條條框框不符,又會如何?固安捷(Grainge...
Stacey Griffith 2017-03-14 05:30我的許多學員都跟我講過,因為違心說“是”最終帶來的后果。她們接受新工作,對新的情人有求必應,對著裝也不敢有異議。“是”是一個強大的詞,但“不”同樣能夠帶來力量。拒絕與你的計劃和目標不一致的事情,是在為對你而言重要的事情騰出空間并強化他們。對背離目標的事情說“不”,可以為你的目標創造空間,并讓所有人知...