????交易代碼: MA ????年初至今股票漲幅: 69% ????市值: 438億美元 ????500強排名: 410 ????社會向電子支付的轉型極大地推動了信用卡公司的發展,同時也減輕了經濟滑坡給它們帶來的沖擊。 ????第三季度,萬事達卡的交易量和交易額增幅均超過18%。 ????刷卡市場日益壯大,而萬事達卡是最有希望奪取超高市場份額的信用卡公司。它在新興市場中的客戶占有的份額最大,公司約一半的營收都來自美國以外的地區。 ????萬事達卡還積極投資技術,擴大合作,以擴大在移動平臺上的影響力。它的PayPass技術可與谷歌(Google)的安卓錢包應用軟件配套使用。 ????與此同時,借記卡行業還取得了“借記卡收費上限”之爭的勝利。6月30日,美聯儲(Federal Reserve)宣布銀行可對借記卡購物交易收取最高45美分的費用,這是多德-弗蘭克監管改革方案最初建議上限的兩倍。 |
#3 MasterCard
????Ticker: MA ????YTD stock performance: 69% ????Market cap: $43.8 billion ????Fortune 500 Rank: 410
????The shift to a cashless society has been a boon for credit card companies and helped insulate them from the economic downturn. ????For MasterCard, both the number of transactions and their dollar value jumped more than 18% in the third quarter. ????MasterCard is the credit card provider best positioned to capture an outsize share of the growing pie of swipes. It has the largest share of customers in emerging markets with roughly half of the company's revenue coming from outside the United States. ????MasterCard has also been aggressively investing in technology and expanding partnerships to boost its presence on mobile platforms. Its PayPass technology works with Google's Android Wallet application. ????Meanwhile all debit-card companies declared victory on regulations related to debit-card fees. On June 30, the Federal Reserve decided that banks could charge fees of up to 45 cents for a debit-card purchase. That's double the original limits proposed under Dodd-Frank regulatory reform. |