第5名:VF 服飾公司 ????交易代碼: VFC ????年初至今股票漲幅: 62% ????市值: 144億美元 ????500強排名: 310 ????VF旗下有The North Face、Seven for all Mankind、Wrangler和Vans等眾多知名品牌。今年6月,VF又在這個星光熠熠的名單上增加了Timberland。 ????這筆收購耗費了VF約20億美元現金,但摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)分析師們認為,它“將改變行業格局”,推動公司未來幾年業績大幅增長;摩根士丹利給出的VF目標價是每股152美元。 ????10月份,VF宣布,國際市場大賣的Timberland為公司第三季度貢獻了近1.64億美元收入,當季總營收28億美元。VF首席執行官艾瑞克?懷斯曼預計這一勢頭將持續下去。鑒于此次“變革性的”收購,他大幅調高了公司第四季度指導值。 ????總部位于北卡羅來納州格林伯勒的VF派息穩定,因此也深受投資者喜歡。最近,VF已是連續第三十九年增加派息,將季度派息調高了14%至每股72美分。 |
#5 VF Corp. ????Ticker: VFC ????YTD stock performance: 62% ????Market cap: $14.4 billion ????Fortune 500 Rank: 310 ????VF is the company behind a number of popular brands, including The North Face, Seven for all Mankind, Wrangler, and Vans. In June, VF made a huge move by adding Timberland to its impressive roll. ????That acquisition cost VF about $2 billion in cash, but is a "game-changing" one that will spur substantial growth for the next several years, according to Morgan Stanley analysts, who target VF's stock price at $152 per share. ????VF said in October that Timberland, which has a strong international presence, added almost $164 million to the company's third-quarter revenue of $2.8 billion. VF CEO Eric Wiseman said he expects that momentum to continue, and boosted the company's fourth-quarter guidance substantially, citing the "transformational" buyout. ????Investors are also fans of Greensboro, N.C.-based VF because of its reliable dividend payouts. VF recently marked its 39th consecutive year of higher dividend payments, when it raised its quarterly disbursement 14% to 72 cents per share. |