







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2014年09月16日





????? 在350美元這個價位的手表中,蘋果手表的總體設計水準讓一切競爭產品(無論是數字手表還是機械手表)都相形見絀。它的設計充滿巧思,這一點毋庸置疑。這款手表讓人覺得很上檔次。

????? 我知道有不少人在討論這個表是否該做得更大些——為什么它沒有做得更大呢?蘋果公司本可以把整個界面做得更大,更醒目,從遠處更好辨認,并且使用更簡便。但實際上能看出來,為了讓這只表戴起來恰到好處,蘋果在很多設計上都是有所節制的。

????? 蘋果選擇用兩個宇宙圖景作為待機圖像,這表明蘋果公司至少對最早期計時機器的起源和重要性,以及時空的真正統治者——宇宙——是飽含敬意的。

????? 再者,這只表保留了撥盤。雖然這是一個“數字撥盤”,但對于一個由討厭按鍵和開關的創始人創辦的公司來說,他們保留了手表上這一傳統的控制中心,確實具有某種深意。

????? 瑞士手表是不會提供這么多不同的外形供顧客選擇的。在這樣一個每個行業都開始對細節吹毛求疵的世界上,讓人們有機會沉迷于產品的細節是明智之舉。

????? 蘋果公司非常明確、毫無爭議地選定了自己的御用表帶和手鏈式表帶。大家不僅能看到多款材質和樣式各異的表帶,從真皮到氟橡膠,從手鏈到米蘭式(Milanese,一種由細鋼絲密編成網格的經典表帶——譯注),應有盡有。由此我們能清楚地了解到,蘋果公司一直深入關注著人們佩戴手表的方式,以及現有的表帶是多么不如人意。

????“Apple got more details right on their watch than the vast majority of Swiss and Asian brands do with similarly priced watches, and those details add up to a really impressive piece of design.”

????So writes Benjamin Clymer, the former UBS consultant who founded and edits the respected horological website Hodinkee.

????In the Apple Watch’s most detailed review yet, he offers his perspective on what the company got right and where the jury is still out.

????What he liked:(I quote)

????? The overall level of design in the Apple Watch simply blows away anything – digital or analog – in the watch space at $350… The Apple Watch feels like a lot of thought went into it, and no doubt it did. It feels expensive.

????? I’m sure there was much discussion about making it larger – how could there not be? It would’ve made the entire interface bigger, bolder, more recognizable from afar and easier to use. The fact that they chose to actually make the thing wearable shows a great deal of restraint.

????? The fact that Apple chose to develop two faces dedicated to the cosmos shows they are, at the very least, aware of the origins and importance of the earliest timekeeping machines, and the governing body of all time and space – the universe.

????? Further, they kept the crown. Okay, so it’s a “digital crown” on the Apple Watch, but for a company founded by a man known for his distaste of buttons and switches, the fact that they kept the original horological control center says something.

????? No watch from Switzerland comes with this many choices of finishes, and in a world where every industry is splitting hairs…, it only makes sense to offer the chance for people to obsess of the details.

????? Apple absolutely, positively, indisputably NAILED its straps and bracelets. In addition to offering a bevy of options from leather to fluoroelastomer to link bracelets to Milanese, it is here that you really see how much attention Apple was paying to the way people wear watches, and the how bad existing options were.

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