







專欄 - 蘋果2_0


Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2014年03月25日


????首先要交代一下,由于《困境中的帝國:后喬布斯時代的蘋果》(Haunted Empire: Apple After Steve Jobs)一書的緣故,尤加利?伊瓦塔尼?凱恩已經接受了200多次采訪,我僅僅是其中之一。這本新書講述了在后喬布斯時代,由蒂姆?庫克執掌的蘋果公司(Apple)究竟發生了哪些變化。這本書上周二一面市馬上遭遇了大量的負面評價。


????我很好奇。我對凱恩的了解源自她在《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)舊金山分社工作期間對蘋果公司持續3年的追蹤報道,其中不乏一些令人印象深刻的獨家新聞,其中最著名的當屬那篇頭版新聞(與喬安?盧布林合作),曝光史蒂夫?喬布斯曾在2009年春天做過一次秘密的肝臟移植手術。這是一位知道如何追蹤線索鏈,從一個故事的外圍直達核心的記者。如果她掌握了一些關于后喬布斯時代的蘋果公司的干貨,我很想一睹為快。


????《困境中的帝國》的前三分之一主要講述喬布斯最后三年的生活,寫得還不錯。但正如《衛報》(the Guardian)的查爾斯?亞瑟所指出的那樣,這本書的后三分之二充斥著一種幾乎帶有毒性的偏見。凱恩用一種精巧的寫作手法,把她看到和聽到的一切都轉化為彰顯蘋果公司難逃失敗宿命的證據。






????? 沃爾特?艾薩克森的《喬布斯傳》(Steve Jobs)。推薦理由:對于這位深居簡出的主人公,作者的接觸次數和了解程度是其他人望塵莫及的。

????? 亞當?拉辛斯基的《蘋果解密》(Inside Apple)。推薦理由:作者對這家公司內部結構進行了深入分析。

????? 利恩德?卡尼的《喬納森?艾維》(Jony Ive)。推薦理由:這本書披露了蘋果公司創造新產品的流程。(財富中文網)



????Confession: I was one of the more than 200 sources Yukari Iwatani Kane interviewed for Haunted Empire, the new book about Apple's transition from Steve Jobs to Tim Cook that arrived Tuesday to largely negative reviews.

????I've known since last summer -- and agreed to keep silent about -- the arc of her story. Kane told me in July that she went into the two-year project thinking that if any company could survive the loss of its visionary leader, Apple (AAPL) could. But she came out of it concluding that the company's best days were behind it. Far behind. Not even Jobs, she said, could restore Apple to its former greatness. Tim Cook, his handpicked successor, didn't have a chance.

????I was intrigued. I knew Kane's byline from the three years she spent covering Apple from the Wall Street Journal's San Francisco bureau, where she scored some impressive scoops. Chief among them: The front-page news (reported with Joann Lublin) that Steve Jobs had a secret liver transplant in the spring of 2009. This was a reporter who knew how to follow a chain of sources from the periphery of a story to its center. If she had the goods about Apple in the post-Jobs era, I was eager to see them.

????I've read the book. And I'm sorry to say that it doesn't deliver.

????There is some good reporting in the first third -- the part that covers the last three years of Jobs' life. But as the Guardian's Charles Arthur points out, the last two thirds are infected with an almost toxic bias, a kind of writerly tick that turns everything Kane sees and hears into further evidence that Apple is doomed.

????Ultimately, Kane's attitude undermines her credibility as a reporter. The book is peppered with conclusions that feel like they were reached before the facts were in.

????"A decline was inevitable," she writes in her Epilogue, painting Apple's rise and fall in mythical terms:

????The story follows an archetypal pattern—a pattern familiar in both history and myth. A struggling empire, on the brink of dissolution, recalls one of its founders from exile and casts him as a savior. The ruler, ruthless and cunning as Odysseus, gathers the faithful and emboldens them to take startling risks that allow the empire to reach even greater heights than before. Amid the celebrations, the emperor grows sick. Knowing that he is the living embodiment of his kingdom's fortunes, he tries to hide his illness until he is finally forced to accept that he is not immortal. Left to carry on in his name, the emperor's lieutenants fall prey to complacency and confusion, lapsing into disarray and paralysis. Bound to the way things have always been done, these new leaders become less flexible and ignore the warning signs. Their emperor is gone, but ever present. Though they are still at war with enemy armies, these lieutenants cannot find their own way forward. They are tired. They are uncertain. The well of ingenuity has run dry.

????She may be right. But the fact is we don't actually know. And because Yukari Kane didn't manage after two years of reporting to get to the center of the story, neither does she.

????Serious students of Apple Inc. may want to read this book for the fresh details she adds to the growing literature on the subject. But there are three other recent books they'll want to read first:

????? Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs, for its unparalleled access to the book's reclusive subject.

????? Adam Lashinsky's Inside Apple, for what he learned about the company's internal structure.

????? Leander Kahney's Jony Ive, for what it reveals about Apple's processes for creating new products.







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