????蘋果(Apple)在中國市場嫌貧愛富的營銷策略有目共睹,而批評者也大有人在。但最近一項證據顯示,蘋果的嫌貧愛富也許要好于市場份額優先的策略。 ????科技寫手本尼迪克特?埃文斯撰文分析了中國移動互聯網公司友盟(Umeng)發布的數據。友盟是一家移動應用程序分析公司,和Flurry極為類似,中國市場大部分智能手機應用程序都嵌入了友盟的統計工具。 ????上周三,友盟發布了《2013年中國移動互聯網年度報告》。報告指出,谷歌(Google)Android手機市場份額遙遙領先,售價低于350美元(約合2160元人民幣)的Android手機占據了中國市場57%的份額。但高端市場需求也極為強勁,超過四分之一的中國用戶在使用售價500美元(約合3100元人民幣)以上的高端手機,其中八成為iPhone。 ????友盟報告中的若干要點顯示,2013年中國移動互聯網出現了爆炸式的增長,同時還發生了一些重大變化。包括: ????? 截至2013年底,中國智能設備數量已經突破7億部。 ????? 2013年7月到12月,用戶通過移動社交平臺進行分享的次數增長了兩倍。截至2013年底,中國市場前100名的應用程序,已有半數以上提供向社交平臺分享和使用社會化媒體賬號登錄功能。 ????? 2013年,中國開發者在對待知識產權問題上更加慎重。截至年底,游戲榜單前100名的游戲中已經有20%與第三方簽署了授權協議,而在6月份時,這個數字還僅為13%。 ????? 高端智能手機用戶——大部分在使用iPhone——所偏愛的應用程序呈現多元化:新聞、導航、金融理財、電子商務。低端用戶(手機價格150美元以下)則愛好專一,“墻紙”一舉成為最受歡迎的應用。 ????? 縱觀整個2013年,中國市場越獄版iPhone比例從30%下降到13%。友盟表示:“用戶已逐漸認識到了使用越獄iPhone的安全風險。”(財富中文網) ????譯者:項航 ???? |
????New evidence suggests that Apple's (AAPL) much-criticized China strategy -- of targeting the high end of the Chinese smartphone market and ignoring the low -- may be working better than overall market-share data suggest. ????The evidence comes from Umeng, a Flurry-like app analytics firm that is installed, according to Benedict Evans, on a large share of the smartphone apps in widespread use in China. ????Umeng's China Mobile Internet 2013 Overview, issued Wednesday, the market for Google (GOOG) Android phones is strong, representing 57% of the devices sold for less than $350. But the high-end market is also thriving. More than a quarter of Chinese users are carrying smartphones that cost $500 or more, and eight out of 10 of those are iPhones. ????Several data points in Umeng's report suggest that 2013 was a year of explosive growth and major changes in China's mobile Internet. Among them: ????? By the end of 2013, the number of smart devices in use in China exceeded 700 million. ????? Sharing on social networks tripled in the six months between July and December 2013. By the end of the year, more than half of the top 100 apps in China offered social-sharing or social-network-login options. ????? Chinese developers in 2013 began taking intellectual property rights more seriously. By year's end, 20% of the top 100 games licensed third-party IP, up from 13% in June ????? High-end smartphone users -- mostly carrying iPhones -- tend to favor diverse apps: news, navigation, finance, e-commerce. On low-end smartphones (costing less than $150) the most popular category of apps is "wallpaper." ????? Over the course of 2013, the percentage of jailbroken iPhones in China fell from 30% to 13%. Quoth Umeng: "Finally users are becoming aware of the security risks of using a jailbroken phone." |