







專欄 - 蘋果2_0

三星指紋識別比iPhone 5S還好嗎

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2014年02月20日

據稱,三星即將上市的新一代旗艦機型Galaxy S5也將配備的指紋掃描器,而且性能要比iPhone 5S的更勝一籌。或許三星確實在技術上遙遙領先于蘋果,但考慮到三星選擇的時機,它似乎是在追著蘋果的屁股跑。

????圖為蘋果iPhone 5s的指紋識別界面。


????我之所以最終放棄在自己的iPhone 5S上使用蘋果(Apple)的TouchID指紋識別系統原因也就在這里。


????我之所以提到這件事,是因為本周一SamMobile網站上有報道稱,它已經證實,三星(Samsung)的下一款智能手機旗艦機型——GalaxyS5不僅將同蘋果iPhone 5S一樣配備指紋識別系統,而且它的系統還要比蘋果的TouchID更勝一籌。

????SamMobile 的FaryaabS 寫道:“蘋果和HTC已經在自己的設備上配備了指紋傳感器,但它們的移動設備都未能充分發揮指紋傳感器的潛力,而三星即將推出的Galaxy S5卻做到了”

????我無法反駁上面這種說法。目前已有數百種指紋識別系統在相互競爭——在今年的指紋識別大賽(Fingerprint Verification Contest)上,共有670名參賽者攜2,810種算法參賽——我們不知道三星使用的是其中哪一種(假如它使用的的確是這2,810種算法中的一種的話)。


????即便如此,蘋果還是等了一年多,才做好了準備,把指紋傳感器裝到了iPhone 5S上。




????Here's the challenge: To be incorporated as part of a regular start-up routine, fingerprint ID systems must be at least as easy and dependable as the pass codes they are meant to replace.

????Which is why I finally gave up trying to use Apple's (AAPL) TouchID system on my iPhone 5S.

????Not that I'm a good test case. After 64 years of paper cuts, match burns, scarring and general wear and tear, the ridges on my left thumb are nearly worn off. I have trouble registering my print on TouchID, and have to re-register it nearly every day or my iPhone will forget who I am. (I gather from the comments on Apple's support boards that I'm not the only one having these problems.)

????I mention all this because a report Monday in SamMobile claims to have confirmed that Samsung's next flagship smartphone -- the Galaxy S5 -- will not only feature a fingerprint recognition system like Apple's, but one that will work better than TouchID.

????"Apple and HTC have already implemented fingerprint sensors into their devices," writes SamMobile's FaryaabS, "but none of their mobile devices use the sensor to its full potential, or like how Samsung is using in its upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5."

????I can't dispute this. There are hundreds of competing fingerprint recognition systems -- 670 participants registered 2,810 algorithms in this year's Fingerprint Verification Contest -- and we don't know which (if any) Samsung is using.

????But when Apple purchased AuthenTec for $356 million in July 2012 -- more than it paid for any acquisition since NeXT -- the biometric company was the world's No. 1 provider of fingerprint verification systems. Its clients included Nokia, LG, HP, Motorola and Samsung.

????Even then, Apple waited more than a year before it was ready to put a fingerprint sensor in the iPhone 5S.

????It's possible that Samsung's technology is way ahead of Apple's. But given the timing, it feels like they're playing catch-up.







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