????在他看來,在應屆生子女求職過程中,父母所能發揮的最有價值(同時也是困難)的作用就是既要做到“輔助”,同時也要幫助他們認清現實。“家長們應該鼓勵應屆畢業生子女去了解哪些行業在蓬勃發展,哪些行業已日薄西山,同時還要判斷未來的趨勢和機會,”他說。你最好還要告訴他們“當下最重要的便是著手開始做一份工作,不要過于在意這份工作是否是自己的‘理想職業’,”德朗補充說。“在職業生涯的初期,哪怕是一份你并不喜歡的工作也能讓你獲益匪淺。” ????如果你的孩子在戲劇、電影這些行業,或者說是那些拿著大學文憑卻只能做泊車或服務員的行業,你該怎么辦?“這些行業中當然也有出類拔萃的人,”他說。“但身為父母,你也必須確保自己的孩子了解,他們現在所做的選擇會對自己的未來產生怎樣的影響。” ????祝你好運。
????如果你曾經幫助自己的子女在如今慘淡的經濟環境下找到工作,你覺得你在哪方面對他們幫助最大(或最小)?歡迎在下面留言。(財富中文網) ????譯者:唐昕昕??? |
????By his lights, a valuable (and difficult) part of parents' role is being supportive while still acting as a reality check. "Encourage new grads to learn about what industries are growing now and which ones aren't, and where the opportunities are likely to be in the future," he says.You might also mention that "the point right now is to start somewhere, without worrying too much about whether it's the ideal job," DeLong adds. "Especially at the outset of a career, even a job you don't like will teach you a lot." ????What if your child is going into, say, drama, film, or some other field where lots of other talented people are parking cars or waiting tables? "Of course, a few of those people do get their big break," he notes. "But parents need to make sure kids understand the likely consequences of any choice they make now." ????Good luck. ????Talkback: If you've helped a son or daughter find a job in this tough economy, what helped the most (or least)? Leave a comment below. |