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蘋果分析師熱議三星Galaxy S4

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2013年03月19日

三星Galaxy S4粉墨登場,來勢洶洶。但大多數蘋果分析師都認為,這款產品只能稱得上是改進,而不能說是革命性的突破。它還不足以改變目前智能手機市場的競爭格局,蘋果仍將占據這個市場的主導地位。

????評論界對三星(Samsung)Galaxy S4的一致評價是,這只能算是進步,而非革命性的飛躍。不過,三星新款手機對蘋果(Apple)意味著什么,各方的觀點則出現了分歧。

????派杰投資銀行(Piper Jaffray)吉恩?蒙斯特:Galaxy S4的確有所進步,但同時,在2013年,iPhone在高端市場仍將占據主導地位。“Galaxy S4大部分都是對S3的一次改進,包括更大的屏幕(對角線尺寸增大了4%),更出色的攝像頭與處理器,以及軟件更新等,機身和外殼卻基本沒有變化。我們認為,部分軟件功能確實非常特別,包括傾斜滾屏功能、基于面部識別技術的視頻暫停功能,以及基于手勢的互動等,但相對于Siri之于iPhone 4S的意義,或者Google Now語音服務之于安卓(Android)的意義,這些軟件上的更新就遜色了不少……雖然Galaxy S4已經發布,而且宣傳工作也在如火如荼地進行之中,但我們依然相信,2013年,蘋果在高端智能手機市場的份額不會低于40%。”

????杰弗瑞集團(Jefferies)彼得?米塞克:軟件功能成主角。“S4的硬件與預期基本一致,與iPhone 5相當。設計方面和之前相比沒有太大變化,尺寸也僅從4.8英寸增加到5英寸。”三星主要專注的是軟件創新與界面輸入,例如手勢控制和智能滾動/暫停等。雖然手機實測體驗總體上令我們印象深刻,但這些軟件功能在實際使用中的表現到底會怎么樣,或者說這些功能是否真的實用,我們會拭目以待。S4的推出對蘋果意味著什么?我們相信,S4肯定會有相當不錯的銷量,而且會逐漸給蘋果帶來麻煩。但在我們看來,S4還算不上一次革命性的飛躍。除了大屏幕尺寸之外——雖然我們也認為這一點使三星在面對蘋果時更具優勢,我們認為,S4的許多功能很容易就能復制。此外,Galaxy用戶抱怨最多的是,他們并不喜歡三星的定制軟件,尤其是定制軟件的表現完全比不上原生安卓系統中的軟件。

????野村證券(Nomura)斯圖爾特?杰弗里:Galaxy S4將幫助三星反超蘋果。“雖然S4相比S3有了明顯改進,但仍有各種聲音認為S4只是一種進步,算不上革命性的飛躍。盡管如此,我們認為S4將幫助三星在2013年的高端智能手機市場反超蘋果。我們最初的觀點包括:?派生形式因素——S4的外觀與S3過于相似。?三星使用塑料作為主要基底材料。?一些有趣的新功能,雖然部分功能僅能與其他S4手機或新三星電視配合使用,限制了這些功能的吸引力。?高端Galaxy S4與Note每季度的銷量似乎完全有可能達到3,500萬至4,000萬臺,必將使三星在高端市場反超蘋果。”

????巴克萊銀行(Barclays)本?瑞茲:預計iPhone必將面臨更激烈的競爭。“在與蘋果的競爭方面,Galaxy S4基本符合預期——不過,蘋果不必緊張(個別LTE版本將于今年晚些時候才能上市)。但正如我們在近期的一份報告中所述,我們相信三星的發展勢頭會成為讓蘋果頭疼的主要問題。因此,我們希望看到蘋果今年大規模擴大iPhone市場,同時改善平臺。但最近,蘋果似乎一直在保持沉默,我們或許要等到第三季度,才能看到蘋果在調整定價之外,是否還會推出其他措施,對三星予以還擊。”

????Evolutionary, not revolutionary, was the general consensus. As for what Samsung's new phone means for Apple (AAPL), the jury was split.

????Piper Jaffray's Gene Munster: Galaxy S4 Evolutionary, iPhone To Essentially Maintain High End Share In CY13. "The Galaxy S4 appears to be largely an incremental update to the S3 including a slightly larger screen (4% larger on diagonal), better camera and processor, and updated software, but largely the same body style and casing. We believe some of the software features are unique, including the tilt to scroll, video pausing based on facial recognition, and hand gesture based interactions, but view these software improvements as minor compared with what Siri was to the iPhone 4S or even Google Now to Android... Despite the launch and fanfare around the Galaxy S4, we continue to believe that Apple will maintain a low 40% market share in the high-end smartphone market in CY13."

????Jefferies' Peter Misek: Software Features Took the Stage. "The hardware was as expected and much like iPhone 5, the S4 saw little change in design from its predecessor besides a slight increase in size from 4.8" to 5". Samsung focused primarily on its software innovation and interface inputs such as gesture control and Smart Scroll/Pause. While we were impressed overall with our hands-on experience, we await to see how these features perform in the real world and if they are actually used. What does this mean for Apple? We believe the S4 will certainly sell well and it is incrementally negative for Apple; however, the device is not revolutionary, in our view. Aside from the large screen size, which we believe gives Samsung a large advantage over Apple, we believe many of the features can easily be replicated. Additionally, a major complaint amongst Galaxy users is that they do not like Samsung's customized software, especially when it is a downgrade in performance from stock Android features."

????Nomura's Stuart Jeffrey: Galaxy S4 to help Samsung overtake Apple. "While clearly a step forward relative to the S3, there is much that is evolutionary about the S4, rather than revolutionary. Nevertheless, we see the S4 potentially helping Samsung to overtake Apple in high-end smartphone shipments during 2013. Our initial thoughts include: ? Derivative form factor – the S4 looks rather similar to the S3 and sustains. ? Samsung use of plastics as the main backing material. ? Some compelling new features, although some will only work with other S4s or new Samsung TVs, arguably limiting their appeal. ? 35-40m high-end S4 and Note sales per quarter seems feasible, which would see Samsung overtake Apple in terms of high-end volumes."

????Barclays' Ben Reitzes: More Competition for iPhone Comes As Expected. "In terms of competition vs. Apple, the GS4 seems largely as expected – and there could be some relief for Apple (certain versions of LTE won't be available until later this year). However, as we stated recently in a recent report – we believe that Samsung's momentum is a major issue for Apple. As a result, we need to see Apple expand its iPhone market this year in a big way – and improve its platform. However, Apple seems rather silent of late – and could be waiting until C3Q to make any competitive response outside of potential adjustments to pricing."

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