????“在簡歷的第一頁列出這樣三部分,就像是個人職業生涯的一個濃縮版,”弗萊德伯格說?!霸谡衅阜綖g覽一頁簡歷的20秒里,需要讓他們看到的是內容清楚、合乎邏輯以及切題相關。”按時間羅列就業經歷,應當排在這些內容之后。時間精確到年即可,無需到月。弗萊德伯格指出,人們總是猶豫是否要省略一些他們做過的工作。“如果只是在一個地方做了很短一段時間——特別是如果與你現在找的工作不相關——列上這樣的經歷只會分散注意力。省略這段完全沒問題。” ????特蕾西?凱施曼還給頻繁換工作的人提供了另外三項建議。第一,詳細記錄自己干過的工作。她面試過一些人,工作換得太多了以至于“自己都搞不清楚具體工作時間和取得的成就,”她說。“這絕對會降低你的可信度?!?/p> ????第二,她建議“每次離職——即便不用更新簡歷,因為你是被前老板或前同事聘用的——不妨花點時間為最近的工作職位添加一些信息。這樣的話,如果兩年后你打算考慮跳槽,就不必重新回憶上一份工作是什么了?!?/p> ????第三點,離職時記得邀請他人做推薦人?!耙_保你過去工作的三、四個地方都有一兩名推薦人,”凱施曼說。簡歷上的工作經歷如果沒有推薦人,可能會引起疑慮。她說:“招聘方可能會認為你是被迫離職,而不是自己主動尋求下一個更好的機會?!?/p> ????祝你好運。 ????反饋:如果過去幾年你經常換工作,你是否發現面試官對你有成見?如果你是一位招聘經理,你是否認為頻繁跳槽如今已經變得更容易接受?歡迎留言評論。(財富中文網) |
????"Think of those three sections on the first page as the Cliff Notes version of your career," Friedberg says. "In the 20 seconds an employer will spend to skim that page, you want what he or she sees there to be clear, seamless, and relevant." Only after that should you list your experience chronologically, using years only, not months. Friedberg notes that people often hesitate to leave out anything they did, "but a very short stint somewhere -- especially if it isn't relevant to the job you're seeking -- is just a distraction. It's perfectly okay to delete it." ????Tracy Cashman offers three other suggestions to frequent job changers. First, keep detailed notes on your work. She has interviewed people who have moved so often that "they've gotten confused about dates and accomplishments," she says. "That can really dilute your credibility." ????Similarly, she advises, "Each time you leave a job -- even if you don't need to update your resume because you're being recruited by a former boss or coworker -- take the time to add some information about your most recent position. That way, you won't have to think about it two years from now when you're ready to move again." ????And third, don't walk out the door without lining up references. "Make sure you have one or two references from each of the last three or four places you've worked," Cashman says. A job that appears on your resume, but from which you don't have a reference, can cause concern, she says, since "employers may think you were asked to leave, rather than choosing to go after the next great opportunity." ????Good luck. ????Talkback: If you've changed jobs often in the past few years, have you found that interviewers held it against you? If you're a hiring manager, do you think job-hopping has become more acceptable? Leave a comment below. |