????如果你也像我一樣,希望有一部關于史蒂夫?喬布斯的電影,你肯定也希望那能是一部完美的作品。不過,演過《好漢兩個半》(Two and a Half Men)和《整蠱王》(Punk'd)的艾什頓?庫徹能否完美演繹硅谷、或許是全世界最標志性的CEO? ????很明顯,這個問題還有待討論。不過,至少在外表上,庫奇與喬布斯有幾分相像。本周,《今日美國》(USA Today)公布了更多喬布斯自傳電影的照片。電影簡單命名為《喬布斯》(Jobs),由庫徹飾演喬布斯,約什?加德飾演史蒂夫?沃茲尼亞克。這部影片主要講述了蘋果(Apple)兩位創始人在上世紀70年代的經歷,以及他們把蘋果打造成最具影響力的科技公司的歷程。本片將于1月26日在圣丹斯電影節上全球首映,并將于4月進入各大院線。 ????以下為三張最新劇照。你認為如何?你會去觀看這部電影嗎? |
????If you're anything like me, you're open to the idea of a Steve Jobs movie — you just want it done right. But can Ashton Kutcher, of "Two and a Half Men" and "Punk'd" fame, really do justice to Silicon Valley's and probably the world's most iconic CEO? ????Obviously, that's up for debate. At least he looks the part. This week, USA Today published several more photos from the biopic simply called "Jobs." With Kutcher as Jobs and Josh Gad as Steve Wozniak, the biopic chronicles the Apple co-founders' early days in the 1970s and how they pioneered one of the most influential tech companies ever. The movie makes its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on Jan. 26 and hits theaters in April. ????Below are three new stills. What do you think? Will you be watching or skipping it? |