????谷歌(Google)Android平臺的設備制造商或許賣出了更多的移動設備,但蘋果(Apple)的應用程序商店仍然是應用開發商的最佳謀生之所。 ????荷蘭分析公司Distimo在上周五發布的年終回顧中這樣寫道: ????“在蘋果應用程序商店與谷歌Play收入總和最高的20個國家里,2012年11月,蘋果應用程序商店一天的收入通常能超過1,500萬美元,而谷歌Play的收入只有近350萬美元。” ????雖然谷歌Play似乎正在迎頭趕上——過去四個月中,谷歌Play的收入總計增長了43%,而同期蘋果的收入僅增長了21%——但谷歌仍然任重道遠。回過頭看看2012年1月,蘋果應用程序商店的每日收入估計增長了約51%(ipad的收入增長了71%,而iPhone的增加了40%)。 ????該報告給出了許多令人意外的細節。比如說: ????應用程序營收增長最快的國家:俄羅斯在iPad平臺高居榜首(增速143%),日本(增速138%)和韓國(增速94%)分別在iPhone和谷歌Play平臺位居第一。 ????增速最快的應用程序:美國在線(AOL)花了9年時間才發展了100萬用戶,Facebook則花了9個月。在移動平臺,《你畫我猜》(Draw Something)只用了9天時間,而Line Pop只花了3天——而且在12天內創造了約100萬美元營收。 ????更少的贏家,更大的份額:在2012年1月時,11款應用程序占據了蘋果應用程序商店10%的營收。到了11月,這個數字下降到7款。 ????平均銷售價格取決于平臺:自今年1月以來,iPad平臺軟件銷售價格下降了8%,不過iPhone平臺上漲了16%。谷歌Play的平均銷售價格要相對更高。導航軟件的定價通常最高。 ????程序內購買 vs.一次性付費:2012年,程序內購買產生的營收持續增長,它在蘋果應用程序商店所占的比例從1月份的53%上漲至11月份的69%。不過,在iOS平臺,從銷售額最高的10大軟件來看,一次性付費仍然貢獻了35%的營收。 ????游戲貢獻的營收最多:具體見下圖。 ???? |
????Manufacturers on Google's (GOOG) Android platform may be selling more devices, but Apple's (AAPL) App Store is still the best place to be for developers trying to make a living. ????That's the bottom line in the?year-end review?published Friday by?Distimo, a Dutch analytics company: ????"On a typical day in November 2012, the revenues in the Apple App Store exceeded $15M USD, while in Google Play the revenues are just below $3.5M USD in 20 of the largest countries in both app stores." ????And although Google Play seems to be catching up -- its revenue grew an aggregated 43% in the past four months compared with Apple's 21% -- it still has a long way to go. Looking back to January 2012, the App Store's daily revenue grew an estimated 51% (split 71% for the iPad and 40% for the iPhone). ????The report is packed with surprising details. For example: ????Countries with fastest app revenue growth: Russia leads the world on the iPad (up 143%), Japan leads on the iPhone (+138%) and Korea in Google Play (+94%) ????Fastest growing apps: It took AOL (AOL) nine years and Facebook (FB) nine months to hit the 1 million user mark. The mobile app Draw Something did it in nine days; Line Pop did it in three -- and within 12 days had generated an estimated $1 million in revenue. ????Fewer winners take home more:?In January 2012, 11 apps accounted for 10% of the revenues on the App Store. By November, that number was down to 7. ????The average selling price varies by platform:?It's down 8% since January on the iPad and up 16% on the iPhone. Google Play apps, on average, are more expensive. Navigation apps, on average, cost the most. ????In-app purchases vs. one-off sales: Revenue from in-app purchases continued to grow in 2012 -- from 53% in January on the App Store to 69% in November -- but one-off sales still generated 35% of the revenue among the top 10 money makers on Apple's iOS. ????The big money is in the game market: See chart below. |