????汽車博客Motoramic的布雷特?伯克最近撰文解釋了棕褐色成為汽車和卡車的大熱顏色的歷程。伯克在文中談到了蘋果公司(Apple)在汽車市場上的影響力: ????過去近10年里,銀色一直是美國人最鐘愛的汽車顏色。不過時過境遷,雖然汽車設計師們仍喜愛用銀色作為展示車用色,但在2012年,銀色的統治地位終于被白色取代。寶馬公司(BMW)設計部負責顏色、材料和成型工作的首席設計師桑迪?麥吉爾表示,這一切都要歸功于史蒂夫?喬布斯。“在蘋果之前,人們常常把白色和冰箱或浴室里的瓷磚聯系在一起,但現在,蘋果讓白色成為了貴族。” ????誰知道呢? ????譯者:向航 |
????In a piece about how brown has become the "red-hot" color for cars and trucks, Motoramic's Brett Berk offers this insight into Apple's (AAPL) influence on the automobile market: ????Silver was the most popular exterior car color in America for nearly a decade. But while it remains beloved by automotive designers for best showing off a car's styling, its unstinting argent reign was finally overthrown this year. By white. According to Sandy McGill, BMW Designworks' lead designer in color, materials, and finish, this is Steve Jobs' doing. "Prior to Apple, white was associated with things like refrigerators or the tiles in your bathroom. Apple made white valuable." ????Who knew? |