







專欄 - Geoff Colvin


Geoff Colvin 2012年02月16日

杰奧夫·科爾文(Geoff Colvin)為《財富》雜志高級編輯、專欄作家。美國在管理與領導力、全球化、股東價值創造等方面最犀利也是最受尊重的評論員之一。擁有紐約大學斯特恩商學院MBA學位,哈佛大學經濟學榮譽學位。

????這正是投資者害怕出現的局面。盧英德大膽改變了百事公司的戰略,除了繼續發展如激浪(Mountain Dew)功能飲料和菲多利(Fritos)玉米片等休閑品類產品之外,還重點發展了桂格(Quaker)燕麥片等營養健康型產品。這一新戰略很有遠見,顯然也適應當今社會需求的變化。但問題在于,健康類產品的利潤率卻比不上碳酸飲料產品。







????That's exactly what investors fear is happening. Nooyi has boldly changed Pepsi's strategy to emphasize nutritious, "good-for-you" products like Quaker oatmeal in addition to its "fun-for-you" (read: "bad-for-you") products like Mountain Dew and Fritos. The new strategy is visionary and clearly in harmony with societal changes. The trouble is that good-for-you products aren't nearly as profitable as branded sugar-water.

????Nooyi's challenge now is to show that while she isn't backing off from her strategy, she hasn't forgotten how Pepsi makes money. At a major presentation to investors, she announced that the company this year will spend an additional $500 million to $600 million on advertising and marketing, mostly for high-profit drinks and snack foods. She admitted that Pepsi marketing, besides being underfunded, hasn't been all that good lately and said she's taking steps to make it better. She'll cut costs significantly, partly by laying off 8,700 employees. And instead of announcing an over-ambitious profit goal, as she has often done, she said profits would actually fall 5% this year. Nothing ambitious about that.

????Irate investors have been calling for Pepsi to sell off its snack food business or for Nooyi to step down, or at least announce a likely successor. She did none of that at the presentation. Instead, by outlining a plan that will take two years to pay off, she showed that she has the board's support. But if that plan doesn't show clear signs of working before year-end, the board's support could evaporate. That's why the next several months are make-or-break for her.

????All leadership crucibles are different, but in some ways many of them are similar. CEOs are always in the impossible position of serving conflicting demands, and sometimes they get the balance wrong, as Nooyi has done in shifting to a new strategy without sufficiently maintaining a lucrative traditional business. CEOs also get into trouble by acting too slowly, and Nooyi acknowledged she had done that.

????"I wish we had stepped up our overall brand support, especially in North American beverages, earlier," she told investors. She added, "I also think some of the people moves that I made perhaps could have been made a bit earlier." She demoted the head of PepsiCo Beverages Americas only last September.

????Nooyi's plan looks plausible, and investors seem willing to give it a chance; they pushed the stock down only incrementally despite the surprisingly downbeat profit forecast. Now she absolutely must execute the plan against strong and merciless competitors in a volatile economic environment. The heat is emphatically still on.

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