







專欄 - Geoff Colvin


Geoff Colvin 2011年12月16日

杰奧夫·科爾文(Geoff Colvin)為《財富》雜志高級編輯、專欄作家。美國在管理與領導力、全球化、股東價值創造等方面最犀利也是最受尊重的評論員之一。擁有紐約大學斯特恩商學院MBA學位,哈佛大學經濟學榮譽學位。


????其他新條例亦如此,特別是監管機構將要實施的、更高的資本金要求。多德-弗蘭克法案催生的全新監管機構效果如何,目前仍未可知。美國金融穩定監管委員會(The Financial Stability Oversight Council)剛剛起步。美國消費者金融保護局(Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)的局長人選尚空缺。這些機構以及數百條需起草的新條例,將收縮華爾街的觸及范圍,放緩其業務速度。這就是監管改革的目的。


????華爾街面臨的一個更大的挑戰是華爾街已不再是金融世界的中心。2005年,全球市值最高的十家銀行里有5家是美國銀行,前五中就占據了4家,高居榜首的是花旗集團(Citigroup),其次是美國銀行(Bank of America),前十中絕無中資銀行身影。如今,前十大銀行中已經有4家是中資銀行,拔得頭籌的是中國工商銀行(Industrial & Commercial Bank of China),其次是中國建設銀行(China Construction Bank)。只有4家是美國銀行,其中市值最大的富國銀行(Wells Fargo)也僅居第四。全球私募股權投資巨頭——凱雷集團(Carlyle Group)的董事總經理戴維·魯賓斯坦提出了一個關鍵的問題:“當今的美國仍能主導全球金融市場嗎?1960年美國占全球GDP總量為46%,現在為21%。我們仍能獨霸全球投資銀行業嗎?”




????As currently drafted, the Volcker Rule is "a complete game changer," says Whitney. Beyond the ban on proprietary trading, for example, banks may no longer hold securities in inventory on the chance that a customer might want them; a customer must first state an intention to buy them. "I can't have anything in the dairy case. When you order, I've got to go out and find the cow," says Whitney. And that "slows the business down dramatically."

????So will other new rules, especially the higher capital requirements that regulators are imposing. The effects of entirely new regulatory bodies created by Dodd-Frank are still mostly unknown. The Financial Stability Oversight Council is just getting started. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau doesn't yet have a director. They, and the hundreds of new rules still to be written, will shorten Wall Street's reach and hinder its speed. That's what they're meant to do.

????What is Wall Street's business model in a world like that? The phrase you keep hearing is "back to the future" -- making money on fees for underwriting, M&A advice, and investment management rather than on highly leveraged proprietary trading. Good news for high-net-worth individuals: You'll be feeling lots more love. "Each of these firms is looking at wealth management," says a former top executive at one of them. No wonder: It's a high-return, low-volatility business. But building it is hard because those well-off clients are far more attached to their advisers than to the firms those advisers represent. Recruiting and developing an army of top-quality advisers take time.

????A bigger challenge for Wall Street is that its turf is no longer the center of the financial universe. In 2005, five of the world's 10 most valuable banks were American, including four of the top five, led by No. 1 Citigroup (C) and No. 2 Bank of America (BAC); none of the top 10 were Chinese. Today four of the top 10 are Chinese, led by No. 1 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China and No. 2 China Construction Bank. Only four are American, the most valuable of which, Wells Fargo (WFC), is No. 4. David Rubenstein, managing director of the giant Carlyle Group private equity firm, poses the key questions: "Is the U.S. still able to dominate global financial markets? We were 46% of the world's GDP in 1960. Now we're 21%. Can we still have virtually 100% of the world's investment banks?"

????The answer -- no -- is obvious. More broadly, Wall Street has to change in painful ways. The major firms, gloriously profitable just a few years ago, are not earning their cost of capital. They're failing, and everyone seems to agree on their near-term future: lower returns and lower profits. The firms have to get smaller, cut expenses, live less large, pay people less. The glory days are over.

????But hold on. Wall Street's glory days are over every 10 years, like clockwork. They were over at the end of the '70s, after a decade of market stagnation; again at the end of the '80s, when takeovers and LBOs faded; at the end of the '90s, with the dotcom bust; and now with the subprime disaster. Every time, Wall Street comes back in new ways that no one imagined.

????That pattern is hopeful for the firms. For Barney Frank and the legions of new regulators he helped to create, it's worrisome.

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