????親愛的安妮:現在這份工作我已經干了四年,期間經歷過好幾次全公司范圍的裁員,我都留下來了;此外,我還經歷了一次大刀闊斧的大規模合并,期間,我的頂頭上司換了五任。現在我管理著數量繁多的產品品牌,對業務和客戶方面相當熟悉。從我開始做這份工作起,我負責的事情在穩步增加,我還參與了戰略和戰術層面的重大決策。此外,我還與各位同事建立了很好的工作關系。而且我也知道,上司很欣賞我的工作。 ????看起來一切都很好,不是嗎?但是現在問題來了。有一件事讓我想不通。一位同事去年剛開始做這份工作,他的頭銜和職責與我相同,但年薪卻比我高出14,000美元。這讓我難以接受。我在這工作的時間比他長,更何況他是我一手帶出來的。現在經濟形勢的確比較低迷,這些我都理解,但這真是太不公平了。我該如何說服老板,告訴他我有權拿到更高的工資,同時又不泄露我知道同事薪酬這件事?—暗流奔涌 ????親愛的“暗流奔涌”:過去幾年,有很多公司都凍結了現有員工的薪資,但對新員工卻并非如此(即使他們從未聲張),因此你的處境無疑比你想像的要更為普遍。 ????首先,被企業招聘人員稱為“開放市場溢價”的額外薪資通常會支付給從企業外部招聘來的求職者。此外,擔任相同職務的人在各方面都完全一致,這也是很少見的。你的同事可能擁有一些你所缺乏的資質或者經驗,這可能也會導致收入的差異。 ????實際上,同事拿多少錢并不重要。重要的是,你的薪酬能否獲得比較大幅提高取決于你是否有足夠的說服力,證明自己為什么值得加薪。 ????當前的時機對你很有利。在這個時候,部門經理要開始制訂2012年的預算,這正是一個要求提高薪水的好時機。如果你所在的公司正在招兵買馬,那就格外適合談漲薪問題;如若你所在的行業碰巧處于興旺繁榮的時期,那就更是如此了。 ????PayScale.com公司首席研究分析師凱蒂?巴達羅稱:“在很大程度上,這依賴于你做什么工作以及你所處的行業。”這家網站對薪酬趨勢進行跟蹤。她說:“如果在高科技、醫療保健、能源或者工程領域工作,薪酬還是有相當高的機會獲得極大提高的,而不是僅僅象征性地增加一點,彌補生活成本的上升。如果處在處境艱難的行業,比如制造業和建筑業,可能性會小一些。” |
????Dear Annie: I've been at my current job for about four years, during which I've survived several rounds of company-wide layoffs, made it through a huge, disruptive merger, and reported to five different bosses. I manage multiple brands for a wide range of products, and my knowledge of our operations and our customers is immense. My responsibilities have increased steadily since I started, and I'm involved in major decisions at both the strategic and tactical levels. In addition, I've built strong relationships with everyone here and I know my boss likes my work. ????All good, right? But here's the problem. Strangely, I just found out that a colleague of mine, who has the same title and duties I have but who was hired just last year, is making $14,000 a year more than I am. This is hard to swallow, not only because I've been here longer, but because I was the one who trained this person. I understand we're in a down economy and so on, but this just doesn't seem fair. How can I convince my boss that I deserve more money, without giving away my direct knowledge of what my coworker is making? —Seething Quietly ????Dear S.Q.: Over the past couple of years, so many companies have frozen salaries for existing employees, but not for new hires (even if they never announced they were doing this), that your situation is doubtless more common than you think. ????For one thing, extra dough -- recruiters call it an "open-market premium" -- often goes to job candidates wooed from outside. What's more, it's rare even for people in the same job to be exactly alike in every way. Your colleague may have credentials or experience you don't have, which could account for some of the discrepancy in pay. ????But in practical terms, your coworker's compensation doesn't matter. What will make or break your chances of getting a substantial raise is how persuasive you can be in explaining why you are worth more than you're paid now. ????Your timing is good. This time of year, as department heads firm up their budgets for 2012, is the right moment to negotiate a pay hike. This is especially true if your company is hiring, and even more so if you happen to work in a thriving industry. ????"A lot depends on what you do and what business you do it in," says Katie Bardaro, lead research analyst at PayScale.com, a site that tracks compensation trends. "If you're in high tech, health care, energy, or any engineering field, the odds that you can get a real raise -- as opposed to just a token cost-of-living adjustment -- are actually pretty high now. If you're in a struggling industry like manufacturing or construction, the likelihood is less." |