????在這段失而復得的70分鐘采訪錄像中,史蒂夫?喬布斯面對羅伯特?克林格利的提問確實展現出了獨特的魅力。這段視頻原本是美國公共廣播公司(PBS)1996年特別節目《書呆子的勝利》(Triumph of the Nerds)的錄像素材,一度以為已經丟失。本周,這段錄像將原汁原味、不加編輯地登陸全美Landmark Theaters院線。 ????這段采訪中我最喜歡的部分是喬布斯對“你認為產品開發什么最重要?”這個問題的回答。他對約翰?斯卡利時代的蘋果(Apple)表示了理解,并講述了一個有關一罐石頭的故事。 ????真正讓蘋果公司蒙受傷害的是在我離開(蘋果)后,約翰?斯卡利犯了一個非常嚴重的錯誤。這個錯誤就是認為,好的想法就是完成了90%的工作。只要告訴別人,“我有個絕妙的想法,”他們自然就會行動起來,付諸實施。 ????問題是從絕妙的想法到偉大的產品需要有出色的技藝保證。隨著我們推進這個絕妙的想法,想法本身也會發生變化,不斷成長。它不會一成不變,隨著想法得到細化和完善,我們會了解到更多的東西。而且,我們還會發現必須要做出很多折衷和取舍。有些事情電子技術就是達不到,有些事情塑料達不到。要么是因為玻璃達不到。要么是因為工廠做不到。要么是機器人做不到。 ????設計產品就像是同時把5,000件東西放在腦子里,然后用全新的、不同的方式將它們組合起來,最后獲得想要的東西。而且,每天我們都會有新發現,可以用略微不同的方式將它們組合起來,這也許意味著新的問題,也許意味著新的機會。 |
????Steve Jobs really turned on the charm for Robert X. Cringely in the newly rediscovered 70 minute interview shot for Cringely's 1996 PBS special "Triumph of the Nerds" and being prepared, in unedited form, for theatrical release next week. ????My favorite part part is when Jobs answers the question "What's important to you in the development of a product?" with a dig at John Sculley's Apple (AAPL) and a parable about a can of rocks: ????You know, one of the things that really hurt Apple was after I left John Sculley got a very serious disease. It's the disease of thinking that a really great idea is 90% of the work. And if you just tell all these other people "here's this great idea," then of course they can go off and make it happen. ????And the problem with that is that there's just a tremendous amount of craftsmanship in between a great idea and a great product. And as you evolve that great idea, it changes and grows. It never comes out like it starts because you learn a lot more as you get into the subtleties of it. And you also find there are tremendous tradeoffs that you have to make. There are just certain things you can't make electrons do. There are certain things you can't make plastic do. Or glass do. Or factories do. Or robots do. ????Designing a product is keeping five thousand things in your brain and fitting them all together in new and different ways to get what you want. And every day you discover something new that is a new problem or a new opportunity to fit these things together a little differently. |